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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

That freakin douchebag ref right there on the spot sucks balls! He's the same one not calling holding on this side of the field as well.

Jackass! Way to go Malcolm get in his face and stand up for your team mate.
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CentralMOBuck;1327250; said:
Illini getting sloppy, another late hit. How did the guy right in front of the play not call it?

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3074326;1327249; said:
That ref was going to not call a late hit there. [censored]ing unbelievable.

Jenkins was about to blow a top on that no call, thank god a flag came flying in from someone else! Anyone else think Illinois is a dirty team? Sure they have gotten a lot of big hits, but quite a few have been to the head or out of bounds.
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