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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

NFBuck;1259750; said:


Enn-Eff Buk

Yikes, I got nothing here....better bring out the defib too...
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NFBuck;1259750; said:
Carmen Ohio
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
And songs to Alma Mater raise
While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
Time and change will surely (truly) show
How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!
These jolly days of priceless worth
By far the gladdest days on earth
Soon will pass and we not know
How dearly we love Ohio
We should strive to keep thy name
Of fair repute and spotless fame
So in college halls well grow
And love thee better ... OHIO! Though age may dim our mem'ry's store
We'll think of happy days of yore
True to friend and frank to foe
As sturdy sons of Ohio
If on seas of care we roll
Neath blackened sky or barren shoal
Thoughts of thee bid darkness go
Dear Alma Mater...OHIO!

Enn-Eff Buk

Fixed it for you.
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Okay few serious questions....seriously...

1. Does anyone think the outcome would have changed at all if we had Beanie?

NO. I think we may have had a TD or two, but basically it was USC aggression on both sides of the ball that did us in. We could never match it. As great as Beanie is our O and D line just got steamrolled.

2. What now with Todd?

He has to remain the starter. As good as TP has looked today, I think its only in comparison to TB. I think we see towards the end of this game that TP relies on pure athletism and natural talent right now. He missed a few open receivers, his technique (when passing) is still shaky. Now, I get it...TB looked bad...no awful tonight...but he is a 5th year senior. He still gives us the best chance. HOWEVER...I would hope they use TP the rest of the year the way they did tonight.

3. Do we have a #1 WR?

NO. Right now I think we have a future #1 in Posey who is too green. The Brian's are both #2's (not trying to be funny). Not a bad thing...but neither have that elite speed/route running/size of a #1. I think both have excellent hands and this game did'nt allow them to show off their skills b/c of the pressure on the QBs.

4. Will this effect recruiting?

Honestly no clue...some (Herbie) thought Florida debacle would effect our recruiting and we know that never happened...but I do wonder if combined effects of UF, LSU, USC, past media bashing, and the impending media onslaught will change the tune of out of state kids.

5. Biggest need?
Quicker more athletic D-lineman. They have to be able to use speed to get to QB and back DOWN past LOS. We have some big bodies in the front four, and we've seen them flex (and it's scary) but I'm not sure what that gets anyone anymore.

Hey let's get some good discussion going...let's keep it rationale...the sky's not falling...sucks...big time...but hey we'll be fine!
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A few thoughts

1. Coaching - USC is the best coached team I have seen in a long time. It's NFL style vs. high school. A different level. Our offense is not at all innovative. Very rarely does the O get the athletes in space. The Defense? There has been a lot of turnover. I miss our NC D

2. Swagger - USC is the new Miami on the field. They play with some serious fire. The Michael Irvin/Warren Sapp teams played just like that.

3. Leadership - I'm afraid the OSU leadership has dropped off drastically after Troy Smith. You see this at every level, a few relaxed attitudes can kill the program. I don't think that was the case with Doss and the gang.

4. Relief - I am extremely relieved that expectations will be lower this year. A Big Ten Championship and Rose Bowl against a good team would be great. However, I do not want to see USC back there
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The one thing that also does worry me is the fact that there is no offseason to think about this. OSU plays a dangerous team in Troy and the B10 is looking tougher than expected.

Like others have said, OSU can still win out and get a Rose Bowl bid. The players really need to think about that. THey are crushed right now and if they start to feel sorry for themselves, tehy could lose a number of games. Got blown out, move forward form there.
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Eh, you know what. Screw it. We played like dogshit in a lot of phases tonight, but USC played really well, and they deserved to win, regardless of how we played. So, nice game to them, their fans, and since they don't play in the by gawd SEC (sarcasm here for you visitors), they will easily run the table and make it to the title game, which as a team, they certainly looked to deserve tonight.

And as for us, it's one game, and you know what? We're still going to take Michigan behind the woodshed, and how many years were we all collectively yearning to just be able to find someone, anyone, who would deliver that to us year in and year out? I have no worries, we'll have a winning record and be ready when we play the Wolverweenies...that's still OK in my book.
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JohnLSU;1259754; said:
Dude, pull yourself together. As an LSU fan, I went through humiliating losing seasons and I still 100% believed my Tigers were the best team on the planet.

So what, you got beat down by a fellow great team. It happens. In recent LSU history, we got beat down 34-14 by Georgia in 2005 (SEC Championship game), 45-16 by Georgia in 2004 (at Georgia during the regular season), 26-8 by Virginia Tech in 2002 (at VT during the regular season), 31-7 by Auburn in 2002 (at Auburn during the regular season), 31-0 by Alabama (at Alabama during the regular season), 35-20 by Texas (in the Cotton Bowl). None of those losses caused me to lose any love for LSU, and it didn't cause any LSU players to lose love for LSU.

Sure, you got beat by a great USC team. So what? So did a lot of teams. USC stomped Arkansas 50-14 in 2006 and 70-17 in 2005, and then Arkansas came to our house and beat us in overtime in 2007. USC also stomped Illinois 49-17 in the Rose Bowl at the end of 2007, Michigan 32-18 in the Rose Bowl at the end of 2006, and Michigan 28-14 in the Rose Bowl at the end of 2003. USC smashed Oklahoma 55-19 in the NC game at the end of 2004. In 2003, USC crushed Auburn 23-0, and also beat Auburn in 2002. Just because you get beat by USC doesn't mean you hang your head and lose respect for your team.

Exactly, my team gets waxed by SC every year! :(
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Hats off to USC!

Immediate thoughts after the game, hats off to USC! USC was very good in all areas of the game. If Sanchez can stay healthy they are going to Miami.

I can't complain about the game plan for this game. USC was just the better team. Hopefully the buckeyes can regroup, learn some things, and go on to be a better team.
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