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Game Thread Ohio State 24, Penn State 7 (final; 11/07/09)

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Rose Bowl picture just got different for Ohio State:

Ohio State will go to the Rose Bowl if they beat Penn State and Iowa. The Michigan game would not matter.

Ohio State could still go to the Rose Bowl if they lost to Penn State, but Penn State would have to lose their last two games.

Ohio State can not go to the Rose Bowl if they lose to Iowa, no matter what happens today.

But Penn State won't lose their final two games. And Ohio State will beat Iowa. So bottom line...the WINNER of this game goes to the Rose Bowl unless something shocking happens.
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If it's possible, the Nits will be fired up even more, knowing that Iowa has lost and that Stanzi is hurt, so Iowa is likely to get a seconds loss next week. That would out them in the Rose Bowl if they win out.

All the better for the Bucks to crush their world!
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