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Game Thread Ohio State 16, Purdue 3 (Oct. 11th)

Rehring - too slow to play tackle
Boone - what's up with that effort today?
Cordle - getting knocked to the ground all the time.
Brewster - didn't notice too much other than some pass pro mistakes

Reminiscent of the Ohio U game, and that's certainly not a good thing.

They are quickly turning Pryor into another Boeckman. He needs to turn it loose, run if it's open, get upfield with the ball (one way or the other), and quit holding it so long.
The difference he made to the offense is his dynamic playmaking ability. Now, they seem to worry too much about turnovers (listening to JT's presser). But it's not like he was turning the ball over before. Plus he was making plays. The more indecisive he gets, the more times he will hold the ball too long, and then you wil see INTs and sacks, which is what we had with Boeckman.

How can the receivers not be getting open? Does no one work back the QB when he is rolling out? He can't be missing open guys every play. And then they drop it too often when he does find them.

And I'm not even going to thnk about our Red Zone offense. If we had one, I might think about it.

Oh yeah, the defense played great today.
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Any day both the Scumers and the doomers lose and the Bucks win, it's a good day. Heck, it sets up for a good week.

This team seriously need a breakout party from someone other than Pryor. Sanzo, Flash or Posey needs to really start going. But it's unfortunate just to be saying this since we are returning our top three WRs. But we need at least one of these guys to be a constant threat and to produce in order to be discussed in the same breathe as SC or Alabama or even Florida.
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good D, boring offense

Watching this game was like watching Dean Smith's teams before the shot clock. grind it, run down the clock.

Tooo predictable on offense. Receivers not getting open enough? Thin at the tailback position.

It seems like JT is saving 75% of the playbook.

I think JT needs to get an Offensive Coordinator next year, one who will bring in some new ideas. I was really comfortable with the D today... just too freakin' predictable on offense.


But a win!
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jimotis4heisman;1289069; said:
hes only thrown over 100 yards twice.

4-6 35
0-2 0
7-9 52
10-16 139
8-13 70
13-19 144
10-14 96

that projects to 880 yards for the season.

Except the 3 lowest totals were before he became a starter, so assuming he starts the rest of the way it projects to more like 1100, plus of course about 600 rushing yards at the same rate. But I don't think it's unreasonable to assume he could continue to improve as he gets more Big10 experience, and put up bigger numbers when it's necessary to help win the tougher games we have remaining.
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This game was not very fun to watch.

People always seem to admire when an athletic QB holds on to the ball and looks downfield instead of tucking the ball and running. Screw that. Pryor needs to run, he needs to not hesitate about it, and the coaches at this point should allow it and encourage it. He doesn't seem like much of a threat to run right now. I've seen him scramble parallel to the line of scrimmage plenty of times lately, but not much running like he is capable of doing. That "pass first and run as a last resort" approach stifles his best attributes. When he is a threat to take off at any moment it will open up the pass a lot more for him.

NightmaresDad, you mentioned that it seems like they're turning Pryor into another Boeckman. I kinda agree on that. Last week, I was prepared to write an angry post about how they struggled after the first drive where it looked they were gonna run the Badgers right out of the stadium. It seemed to me like the did a good job using Pryor (and Wells of course) on that first drive, and then gave him Todd Boeckman's playbook after that. It was disappointing, but I kinda abandoned the thought after they pulled out the win.

I also kinda figured that would be a springboard for this team to really start to put it together with the new players on offense - especially against a team like Purdue. When you face the worst defense in the league and can't manage a single offensive TD, that's a problem.
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Buckeyecty4;1289046; said:
Purdue had like the worst defense in the B10 heading into the game

Yeah, I guess you're right. I should check stats before I open my trap. They did play a very good game against PSU, really solid defense in that game and today. No missed tackels, good assignment discipline, etc.

Maybe Purdue is just getting better :biggrin:

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DaddyBigBucks;1288975; said:
I really hate to say this, because I have been one of the most deluded, optimistic homers this year; but the fact that there is a discussion about the title game is beyond me at this point. The reason I think so starts with 'grad's observation:

I was publicly on record, before the Wiscy game, that a win there would turn the team around and get them on the road to playing up to their potential. It would have been a long road, but we had enough time to get to where we needed to be to have a shot at going undefeated. But now we have taken a step backwards.

Can someone give me a logical, rational reason to believe that this team can climb back up to its potential before we play Penn State? For that matter, is there really a reason to believe that the whole team will play up to their potential this year? If they haven't turned it around by now, will they? In other words, as much as I hate to say it this way: Is there a logical, rational reason to believe that this team will go undefeated the rest of the way?

Winning the Big 10 is going to be a tough, tough road. Aiming for more than that at this point is beyond unrealistic IMHO.

Rip it if you want, but to me it starts with pummeling teams....just beating there brains in. We had a chance to destroy Minny, and get our confidence SKY HIGH but we let them make the score repectable. It's difficult to get that mojo going when you aren't used to it.

Anyways, I agree OSU has very little shot at the title game, I'd just hate to see the coaching staff concede that. I'll take any type of victory next weekend to get to Penn State with 1 loss. Again, I understand the thought process of just playing for a Big 10 title, I just wish we rolled these guys to increase our exposure amongst the pollsters.

We have a fresh QB, with a fresh offense and can become a national story. Instead, we're the same ol' Big 10, non-flashy, ugly team that will get rolled by a good team. Maybe it's true, but I'd like to think we're leaving a LOT of points out there. To me, we beat Wisconsin mor ethan the score showed, and we beat Purdue by A LOT more than the score showed. We're just sleep-walking our way through the schedule, and when there are two, 2 1 or 2 loss teams in the championship, we are going to look back on these games and regret not taking advantage of great opportunities.

But, I'll take an undefeated Big 10 record and Rose Bowl birth as well.
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Purdue is better than OU. Our defense played great. Sheets is a good back, we shut him down. We kept Purdue out of the endzone for the first time this year. As good of an effort as you can get. On offense, our O-line was hurting, and lackluster. But today they could afford it. They stepped it up last week, so give them a break this week. We won, get over it. And yeah, there is no doubt this was Pryor's worst game since he has been the starter...but if your worst game is throwing for about 70% and not turning the ball over, then i'll take it. When a OSU QB doesn't turn the ball over, and completes a good amount of his passes, then we will have a good chance to win. Offense did what it needed to.

Those of you who look at how we play to team that aren't that good, and use that to judge how good Ohio State is, are silly. You don't find out as much about a team in games like this as you do when they play great teams. We found out a lot about this team against USC. Then we found out a lot about how this team has progressed against Wisky. We will find out more about this team next week in East Lansing. When you play bad and win, don't worry. It doesn't mean this team will play bad in the future. Had we lost, yeah then you got an issue. But Purdue was never in this game, it's a team effort, and we won. Winning Big Ten games is the whole point. We did that. Would you rather have looked awesome, but lost? Here's to winning the rest of them, no matter how ugly they look. I'm not buying into the beauty contest bullshit. You want to win a beauty contest, become Governor of Alaska, or join the SEC. This is the Big Ten. Winning a game with defense and a rushing attack...that's a great win!
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JXC;1289122; said:
Those of you who look at how we play to team that aren't that good, and use that to judge how good Ohio State is, are silly. You don't find out as much about a team in games like this as you do when they play great teams. We found out a lot about this team against USC. Then we found out a lot about how this team has progressed against Wisky. We will find out more about this team next week in East Lansing. When you play bad and win, don't worry. It doesn't mean this team will play bad in the future. Had we lost, yeah then you got an issue. But Purdue was never in this game, it's a team effort, and we won. Winning Big Ten games is the whole point. We did that. Would you rather have looked awesome, but lost? Here's to winning the rest of them, no matter how ugly they look. I'm not buying into the beauty contest bullshit. You want to win a beauty contest, become Governor of Alaska, or join the SEC. This is the Big Ten. Winning a game with defense and a rushing attack...that's a great win!

If you use one game to judge the team, then yes, it's silly, but we've looked pretty average all year. Average is a compliment..
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DaddyBigBucks;1288975; said:
Can someone give me a logical, rational reason to believe that this team can climb back up to its potential before we play Penn State? For that matter, is there really a reason to believe that the whole team will play up to their potential this year? If they haven't turned it around by now, will they? In other words, as much as I hate to say it this way: Is there a logical, rational reason to believe that this team will go undefeated the rest of the way?

If you want logic and rational reason...college football isn't your sport. :biggrin:

gregorylee;1288981; said:
To be honest, the play today will not get past MSU, and will get crushed by PSU. I think that the announcers were on to Pryor thinking too much, just go out and play and have fun.
Good thing we will play better against MSU and PSU.
3074326;1289135; said:
If you use one game to judge the team, then yes, it's silly, but we've looked pretty average all year. Average is a compliment..

Average yet undefeated in the B10.

A win is a fucking win is a fucking win.

Was I dissapointed in certain aspects...fuck yeah. Do I think those will carry over into the bigger games...I don't know...but I hope not.

Michigan lost to Toledo...fucking Toledo. We are going to blow them the fuck up.

Undefeated in the Big Ten.
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