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Official "Going to the Game" Thread


If you go to Superdome.com and click on parking, you will see lot 3. That is where we can grill, and do whatever we want. We just have to get there and get spots. You can also fly your flags.

Are you driving? If so, we should meet and take up two spots and just party and play cornhole. There is also another parking garage close to the dome, actually right beside lot 3 and if you get to the top level, you can grill as well. Let me know whats going on, maybe we can meet EARLY AM and get our spots for the game. Hell, I'll even camp out....It's warm enough.

Here is the link:

Let me know!!!:oh:
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NOLABuckeye;1044119; said:

If you go to Superdome.com and click on parking, you will see lot 3. That is where we can grill, and do whatever we want. We just have to get there and get spots. You can also fly your flags.

Are you driving? If so, we should meet and take up two spots and just party and play cornhole. There is also another parking garage close to the dome, actually right beside lot 3 and if you get to the top level, you can grill as well. Let me know whats going on, maybe we can meet EARLY AM and get our spots for the game. Hell, I'll even camp out....It's warm enough.

Here is the link:

Let me know!!!:oh:

Thanks for the information, and I'd love to meet up with some buckeyes as I'll be traveling down by myself. We might have to camp out since LSU's main tradition is tailgating. But thats not a bad thing, thats a good thing LOL (from the Bill Parcells beer commercial). Did you call the Superdome on Lot 3 because on the official national championship site they list lot 3 as "media truck parking". Thanks and Go Bucks!!!
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Thats why I was coming back to post, I just got off the phone with the Superdome Parking lady. Lot 3 is closed, as well as all the top levels (Handicap only) So, tailgating around the Dome is not looking good.

We'll have to find a lot off Pyodras St. for tailgating.
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I just found out im staying at the Iberville Suites so ill be 5 blocks from da dome. So if theres anything going on as far as tailgating, im good for bringing a case or two. The team's staying in the city, is this customary?? I know they did in 98, but i would think that maybe osu officials would like the team to stay away from all the distractions
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leroyjenkins;1043328; said:
i think we sould put it together. How many of the posters on this thread would come??

I am going to NOLA, but do not have tickets... My wife and I are planning on watching it somewhere, wherever we end up @ game time. I'd defiantly come to any tailgate, just tell me what you need us to bring and we will try to bring it.
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BamaBuckeye; I dont think we are putting together an "official" tailgate, but Bourbon St will be the spot.

As for viewing the game, There is a BIG block party 1 block from the DOME. And they are having a 20 foot projection screen. It is $20 bucks to get in, and that includes you food and drinks.

bcsthrowdown.com is the website! Hope to see all buckeyes down there!
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