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OFFICIAL: Biblical/Theology Discussion thread

that question wasn't really directed at you , but it's all good. the point was, it doesn't say "The Revelation of the end times." it says, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ." most of the stuff in Revelation has already happened.
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[quote='BusNative;83374;1]Which things have already happened?[/quote]

Well, it depends on which of the 4 major views (historist, preterist, futurist, symbolist) of Revelation you accept as being correct.
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As to whether Mormons are Christians, they are -- though with a theology that most mainstream Christian denominations would characterize as heretical.

There are plenty of other Christian sects (Copts, Seventh-Day Adventists, etc.) who have interpretations of Scripture that others of us would find unusual. To deny that they are "true Christians" seems to me a churlish attitude.
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buckeyegrad;833753; said:
Well, it depends on which of the 4 major views (historist, preterist, futurist, symbolist) of Revelation you accept as being correct.
historicist. remember that there were some things that John saw that were sealed up, not to be revealed to us.

[quote='BusNative]Which things have already happened?[/quote]

umm... well, most... with Daniel and Revelation in one hand, and the history book in the other, it shouldn't be incredibly difficult to figure out. if you want to go point by point, then let me know, but i would have to write an entire book to explain it all in detail.

MaxBuck said:
There are plenty of other Christian sects (Copts, Seventh-Day Adventists, etc.) who have interpretations of Scripture that others of us would find unusual. To deny that they are "true Christians" seems to me a churlish attitude.

i'll agree somewhat. i say it that way because "Judge not, lest you be judged," certainly does not apply to allowing fellow 'believers' spread a false message.
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lvbuckeye;833936; said:
i'll agree somewhat. i say it that way because "Judge not, lest you be judged," certainly does not apply to allowing fellow 'believers' spread a false message.
This is one of the trickiest parts of the Christian faith, and indeed of most faiths. The "stop others from spreading false messages" excuse has been used to justify all sorts of evil behavior; the Inquisition and the Crusades being particularly visible examples in my own faith.

As I said, Mormon belief is heretical as viewed from the perspective of mainstream Christian theology. Doesn't mean it is wrong, since many heretics throughout history have been proven correct.
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MaxBuck;833999; said:
As I said, Mormon belief is heretical as viewed from the perspective of mainstream Christian theology. Doesn't mean it is wrong, since many heretics throughout history have been proven correct.

But where is the line where heresy becomes something other than what it claims to be? It is one thing to say, hey you have this aspect wrong, but in general we are still in agreement with the central principle of this faith and can be called the same thing; however, it is quite a different thing to say, hey we think you have the central principle wrong, but we are still share the same identity as you.

You are correct that this is a tricky thing, after all, it is finding that perfect balance between two of Jesus' teachings:

Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 7:21)


No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us. (Mark 9:39b-40)
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