Future Brutus
I didn't get to see either of them in person. To me, college is where I "get to know" the future pros. If they don't go to college, it's harder for me to care about their pro carreers at all. Weather I like them or hate them, I'm far more likely to follow if I know the player at all from college. That's one of my biggest problems with the NBA. For some reason, maybe 'cause it's always been that way, it doesn't matter in MLB to me.
Exactly, how bad was nba draft in year's past? You could barely recognize half the names being selected, now im honestly looking forward to the nba draft just as much as the nfl, ok well maybe not as much, but im still paying more attention to it than the NHL and MLB, i think all sports could be helped out by rules similar to this....i mean i personally love hockey but i hate the NHL and i think that college hockey has alot of potential to be relevant and exciting to watch and therefore increasing the professional game by building familiarity with the players, i know it would be almost impossible with all the foreign players and what not but still, i can dream...