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OC/WR Coach Brian Hartline (Official Thread)

Which Buckeye had the greatest impact on the Ohio State history of the position he played?

  • Brian Hartline

  • Other (This is the wrong answer)

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You Can Never Score too Many Points


You Can Never Score too Many Points

Red-shirt Freshman Wide Receiver Brian Hartline gives us some feedback on his off-season goals, why you can never stop improving the offense, and his experience last year against a cast of NFL bound defenders.

By Steve Patterson

What have you done in the off-season to prepare for this year?
'During the off-season I was able to get some high needed strength and conditioning done. I wanted to through on about 10 more pounds before the 2006 season got started and I would say I was pretty successful with my goal.'

The offense looks ready for a repeat performance in 2006. Do you see the team having a similar finish and national ranking?
'Yes, I do believe we have the ability to keep this offense rolling as long as we don?t get complacent. We have to understand that we need to get better everyday because you can never score too many points in a football game.'

Do you see special teams as a way to get on the field this coming year?
'Special Teams is a great way to get on the field. It?s a great way to get experience on the field and have a certain responsibility when it comes to game time. It is a good way for a player to 'get their feet wet.''

You red-shirted your freshman year was the year a good growing experience and where you were able to improve your skills on the scout team?
'Yes I red-shirted my freshman year and I believe it was the best thing I could have done. I was fortunate enough to be placed on scout team and have the opportunity to go against players like A.J. Hawk, Bobby Carpenter, Ashton Yabouty, Donte Witner and Nate Salley for an entire year. I feel that I have got so much better just for that opportunity. I learned a lot and I don?t know if I will ever face a defense as good as that one ever again.'
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JohnnyCockfight;622371; said:
Is there any doubt that Brian Hartline gets the Tatum Hit of the Week award with his block on the ridiculous Anthony Gonzalez TD reception? Hartline took out two Hawkeye players with one block to clear the path at the end of the great run. The second Hawkeye was planted on his back.

Absolutely. This block was key to Gonzo's score. Well done Brian!
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Some of the blocks we have seen this season make a statement about OSU football under JT. Both Ginn and Smith have thrown some nasty blocks downfield. You have to be playing with a certain attitude to be doing that stuff consistently.

But I agree that the Hartline hit takes the cake.
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crazybuckfan40;623203; said:
I hope that he gets the Hit of the week for that block...

From the presser today:


REPORTER: Did Hartline get the Tatum hit of the week for that block?

COACH TRESSEL: You know, it was discussed, and we've had a couple unTatum-like hits been given awards, and I don't want Jack to call, so we didn't have a Tatum hit. It was a good block though, huge. Anthony Gonzalez could descriptively tell you how important it was, but it didn't quite -- those were two big guys, though. If he would have hit them like Tatum hits, Brian might still be in Iowa City, so --
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