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Observations from C Deck (Miami of Ohio, 2005)


Cognoscente of Omphaloskepsis
Staff member
1. Yessssssssssssss

Good old fashioned ass kicking! OSU has not scored over 30 (in regulation) in a pre-conference game since, let’s see – could that be 2002? And 34 unanswered? Any trivia buffs want to chase that one down?

The first drive was perfection – something else I haven’t seen for some time. The first 8 possession ended in scores, the end of the half, and that nasty little mistake by Mr. Zwick.

EVERY expert I heard speak this week said OSU would win but struggle to cover the spread. This team is ready to play some football. It made the long wait all worthwhile.

2. Red Zone production.

After that initial beauty we made three trips to the red zone and netted 6 points. That is not going to cut it next week..

3. Taking off their redshirts.

From what I saw the following true Frosh played today.

Jenkins – and looked pretty good doing it.
Jamo - despite the published depth chart it was Mitchell who came in with the nickel, but Jamo was in late
Robiske – hard to believe any true frosh WR could lose his RS with the talent on this team, but Robiskie saw the field.
Laurinaitis – another big surprise (to me at least)
Mo Wells

4. Missing in action

Gholston, Cordle and Nicol were all in sweats on the sideline.

Maybe I missed it, but I did not see Freeman in the game.

5. QB Controversey?

Mr. Zwick played very competent football today. That he may well be our second best QB is all good. Mr. Boeckman looked very good for a debut, but certainly did nothing to stir the pot.

6. My favorite formation.

Ginn and Wells wide in the backfield with Holmes, Gonzo and Hall on the line. All the AA DL in the world are not going to help you with that formation. Either Ginn or Wells are going to be single covered and a missed tackle gives you a big play. Swap Smith for Zwick and it is downright scary.

7. Rushing game anyone?

100 yard game for Pittman, 7.1 yards per crack. Granted that wasn’t the Texas DL, but it was a very real rushing game and it only complements the weapons we have in the spread.

8. Injury report

Best news of all, the only thing I saw that looked close to an injury was when Mangold left the field early. But he was back and played fine after that.

9. Defensive Pressure.

We had 24 sacks all of last season. We had five today. And this was supposedly a very fine senior laden OL for Miami.

10. Ted Ginn for Heisman?

Well, maybe next week. What is your theory?

- Overrated?
- Late night party?
- Subterfuge to throw off Texas?
- Just one of those days?
- What’s the problem? He did just fine and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot with impossibly high standards.

11. Nuge who?

No real challenges to his leg, but Huston did just fine.

12. Any Time Outs left?

First game of the season and not a single time out was used to get the play right! It was sweet to see us with two time outs left at the end of the half to use in trying to get the ball back.

13. Penalties?

Two penalties. Roughing the kicker (really - shouldn't that have been five yards?) and the hold on Holmes which cost Pittman another 10 yards rushing.

This team came ready to play some football.
Oh8ch said:
1. Yessssssssssssss
9. Defensive Pressure.

We had 24 sacks all of last season. We had five today. And this was supposedly a very fine senior laden OL for Miami.

13. Penalties?

Two penalties. Roughing the kicker (really - shouldn't that have been five yards?) and the hold on Holmes which cost Pittman another 10 yards rushing.

This team came ready to play some football.

9. Very encouraging, but most of the pressure was from LB's and DB's. Gotta love seeing Heacock bringing the attacking style D back. Gave my gameball to him:)

13. The lack of penalties (esp. from the offenseive line) is freakish for a first game. Let's hope it continues!
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Oh8ch said:
10. Ted Ginn for Heisman?

Well, maybe next week. What is your theory?

- Overrated?
- Late night party?
- Subterfuge to throw off Texas?
- Just one of those days?
- What’s the problem? He did just fine and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot with impossibly high standards.
I think that Ted Ginn had some major things going against him making a huge play. He's on everyone's list now. As you could see with the play where he attempted to create some mistakes in their defense by juking around, there were just too many jerseys at the location. For the most part, when Ginn went down, they had created some walls that weren't possible to get around.

His touchdown slant looked very good, even without all of the incredible theatrics of some of his previous high yardage plays, but I think that Ginn's main contribution to this game was freeing our other offensive weapons with his presence on the field.
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Phaeton said:
I think that Ted Ginn had some major things going against him making a huge play. He's on everyone's list now. As you could see with the play where he attempted to create some mistakes in their defense by juking around, there were just too many jerseys at the location. For the most part, when Ginn went down, they had created some walls that weren't possible to get around.

His touchdown slant looked very good, even without all of the incredible theatrics of some of his previous high yardage plays, but I think that Ginn's main contribution to this game was freeing our other offensive weapons with his presence on the field.

Agreed, but I still think a 100% sharp Ginn busts into the endzone on that screen instead of getting dragged down at the 5.
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Oh8ch said:
1. Yessssssssssssss

Good old fashioned ass kicking! OSU has not scored over 30 (in regulation) in a pre-conference game since, let’s see – could that be 2002? And 34 unanswered? Any trivia buffs want to chase that one down?

At Indiana in 2003, we scored the first 35 points in a 35-6 win.
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Re: Oh8ch Observations from C Deck:
I agree with your comments. The game was not nearly as close as the score. Miami got two TDs late in the fourth quarter against 2nd, 3rd, and 4th stingers. Their second TD was a direct result of us fumbling (Malcolm Jenkins) the return on their kick off. Our two punts weren't until late in the game (4th quarter) when our 2nd and/or 3rd string offense (players) were in.

For the first game of the season I was impressed that we had so few penalties. We had no false start, delay of game, or a personal fouls for a late hit penalties.

However you forgot to mention that "It was fucking hot in C deck. Not as nearly hot as some early games years past, but when the sun was out it was still fucking hot. The water vendors seemed to be able to sell (at $4 per bottle) all the water that they had. I'm glad next week is a night game.
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Oh8ch said:
7. Rushing game anyone?

100 yard game for Pittman, 7.1 yards per crack. Granted that wasn’t the Texas DL, but it was a very real rushing game and it only complements the weapons we have in the spread.
The bright spot for me was that Pittman made up his mind and exploded through the line and into the second level everytime he touched the ball, usually making the first man miss. Carrying Terna Nande 5 yards out of bounds is a hell of an accomplishment.
Really, every Big-10 team should have a back that can rush for 100 yards against Miami OH. Pittman's play was more important than the raw numbers. Wells looks good too, and was great in blitz pick-up.

I feel bad for Haw. He really put himself in a hole, and with Mo Wells and Schnittker as real options, and with C. Wells coming in next year, I honestly wouldn't be surprised to hear 'Haw to transfer' chatter fire up if he's unable to crack the 3-deep, presuming his absence today was a result of suspension.
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It wasn't Haw on the fumble, it was Malcolm Jenkins, both #2. Just to make things clear.

1. Buckeye football is awesome, and I missed it.

2. 11A Row 34 has very nice seats, plus nice shade for the second half.

3. Overall very impressed especially with the QB play, the playcalling the first quarter, the first drive was poetry...precision, accuracy, Holmes just doing his thing, running game was there. Not spectacular, but very happy to see Pittman making all the right moves. Very impressed with Wells, guy next to me thought he was too small.

4. Here's my take on Ginn. Yeah, he's now a huge target for any defense, but with more touches, he's going to make more mistakes, it's just statistics. We knew going in he didn't have the best hands on the team, that's Holmes title, so the bobbled kick return (punt return?) didn't come too much as a shock to me. He made plays here and there, and his TD catch was just plain beautiful (awesome toss by Boeckman while under pressure). Generally I thought he tried to make too much happen at times. I bet once he sees some film and talks with the coaches those issues will be fixed in no time.

5. Kudla is a beast

6. I spent $8 on water.
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you forgot to mention that "It was fucking hot in C deck. Not as nearly hot as some early games years past, but when the sun was out it was still fucking hot. The water vendors seemed to be able to sell (at $4 per bottle) all the water that they had. I'm glad next week is a night game.

Good catch. I was on the West side so it got better as the game progressed, but $11 for a pretzel and two bottles of water still makes me cringe.

One compensating factor is that there are enough beautiful women in Cbus that a hot day in C Deck is not all bad.
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i was disappointed that we didnt see haw today, even though i didnt think he'd get a carry i still wanted to see him. Wells always went down after first contact and he rarely feel forward, he needs some work still but he did have good speed.
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It was your average loudness at the 'Shoe, 104,000+. Nothing special...though what was HILARIOUS was since Block-O isn't there yet, the stadium Ohio chant was starting in the North endzone, and the South stands seemed like "What? What is this 'I'? I only know how to say 'O'!"
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