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Observations from A deck (Texas 2005)

Jolly Dog

What if Huston had made the field goal?

What if Hamby had made that catch in the end zone?

What if Ginn had continued running to the right on the kick return?

What if Zwick hadn't fumbled on his last series?

How many times can Smith run the ball?

What if we had an offensive coordinator with a little imagination?

The defense can only do so much.

I didn't see a game I was proud to attend. I saw inept play calling on offense, and an offense that is not one of the top squads in the country. I thought our wide recievers were some of the best in the country. Where the hell was that fun to watch, fun to be a part of offense from the last scUM game or the Oklahoma State game? Throw the damned ball down the field once in a while. Even if it's incomplete, maybe it'll open things up for Smith on one of his many runs.

We had plenty of opportunities with good field position to win this game, thanks to good defensive plays. Huston did a great job in the kicking department, both on kick offs and field goals. We needed an offense that could execute. I dont know what the total yards was, but it couldn't have been much.

Too many field goals, only one touchdown.

Alas, I am depressed and rambling.

Rip me to shreads. I'll read it in the morning.
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JollyDog - I agree with most everything, except the "proud to attend" part. Each team played poorly enough to lose - Texas was fortunate to win, and Ohio State was fortunate that it wasn't a whole lot worse. However, both teams played hard from the opening kickoff to the final gun, and that's what "pride" is all about. Your points on execution and imagination are right on.
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Of course, you are right. All the kids played hard, gave it their all in a hell of a game. They probably wanted to win almost as much as I did.

Guess my post is just frustration at the offensive coaching/play calling, and losing after being so close. There were so many ups and downs, we were so close to winning, and so close to that #2 ranking after scUM lost.

There is a lot of football to be played. GO BUCKS!:oh: :io:

PS. Sorry about starting this thread. Next time I'll read the stickies.
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Jolly Dog said:
Throw the damned ball down the field once in a while. Even if it's incomplete, maybe it'll open things up for Smith on one of his many runs.

They did throw the ball down the field once and Santonio pulled it in for 6. I agree they should have tried more, but Texas dominated the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball. There was very little time to throw the deep ball.

Many, many mistakes in this game. It makes me wonder how we would have faired in this game if it were played later in the season (when hopefully quarterback issue is worked out).
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texas didnt dominate the line of scrimmage, on either side of the ball. our lines did great, how many times did we sack or get pressure on young? almost every other play, did you see his jersey after the game? im tired of everyone saying that they dominated the line of scrimmage.

what baffles me is we didnt run a single trick play last night, thats not good when you have so much talent and explosiveness on our team.
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hammerthrower said:
zwick should not have started or came in after smith had the team winning the game

Agreed, I was yelling when they did that, but what bugged me more was how great the Bucks' field position was (it seemed like they had it around the 40-50 almost everytime) and they could only find the endzone once. Great D though and adjustments to Young after the first series.
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