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Observations from A deck (Texas 2005)

Keep in mind we were a dropped pass from beating the #2 team in the country. Our defense did what it was asked...if only our offense held up it's end. Now, with a clear-cut starter maybe we can focus on execution...we do that and we'll be next to impossible to beat.
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I agree I think we move on and dominate for the remainder of the season. I was happy with the TX game other than playcalling...watched it sober on Sunday morning, do we still run the I?...finally got my voice back on Wednesday from being there. Very tough loss, but I feel we are composed enough to gather some confidence today and carry that through against a tough Iowa team.


I'll be losing my voice once again at 3:30
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Saw a few things while I watched the first half of the Texas game again tonight (ESPN Classic) that I didn't see last Saturday:
  • Some guy had a t-shirt on in the crowd that I thought was funny- it had a picture of the state of Texas and within the state it said "I hate Texas." Dumb, but funny. I don't know, I'm amused by stupid shit.
  • Youboty blocked the shit out of some Texas chump on a KOR and drove him clear into the Texas bench, took out a sound bubble guy from ABC.
  • Underwood (I think, #2) got absolutely BLASTED on a kickoff on the near sideline close to the end of the first half.
I thought Troy had a better game than I thought he did when I watched it live. I know the second half went a little rough, but we'll watch that tomorrow. Troy went through his progressions well, but the "calling his own number" did piss me off a bit due to the excessive use. He was wearing that out like he was Ron Jeremy or something. Santonio Holmes is the best WR in the country, hands down. Carp really had an impact from DE. And Kudla came off of a couple of good blocks to make some good plays. I wasn't impressed with Richardson thus far. Salley's missed tackle on the frosh RB during that dump off pass that took Texas down to our 25 really hurt. The AA DL from Texas (#90) didn't impress me a bit. Just some thoughts, don't want any controversy. :biggrin:
I'll watch the 2nd half tomorrow morn.
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