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Observations from A deck (Texas 2005)

lvbuckeye said:
LMAO... i see your glass is half empty... the truth is, Texas was about two plays from losing by double digits...

Nah, he's right. There were countless "mistakes" made by both teams, and if either would have capitalized, it could have been a blow-out. Say, for instance, that the Texas defense would have held on to just ONE of the passes that hit them in their hands...
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buckeyefool said:
It is great to Sunday/Monday morning quarterback, it's what we all do. We look at the game and say, well I would have done this different, Or we look and say what if this would have happened. And as mch as I hate to lose these types of games, I would much rather be in this position than in a game like Iowa last year where nothing could be said as you just watched Iowa roll us.

It happens sometimes, once bounce here, a tip there, a toe down in the endzone. We have all seen it, you wonder how that ball bounced in that direction, or look at the goal post in amazement thinking, wow did that post just shift right. Sometimes things just don't bounce you way not matter how hard you team fights something else seems to be working against you. It may be fate, it takes all forms, a bad call by the official, the sure fg being bobbled at the snap, it takes all sorts of forms. In the end you can't explain it away it just happened.

But there is one thing that we all need to remember and we all know. You live to fight another day, we know how good we are, we know what things we need to do. I would assume that the lose that we all feel in our hearts has lit a fire inside of those players. They are at practice today lifting just a little extra hard, hitting with a little more intensity, knowing that they need to go out and show the world that last week was just a blip on the radar screen.

We lost to one hell of a texas team this past week, and I think that will make all of us stronger and more intese as the season goes on San Diego State comes to town and it could be ugly this week. Then We start the Big Ten schedule, and you have to know that our players and fans want to give Iowa the same treatment in Ohio Stadium that we got last year. We still can win the big tem title, it's ours for the taking.

No one can stop us from moving back up the polls. There are about 109 teams that would love to be in the position that we are in right now. Remember these are our buckeyes, this is our team, I want people to cheer as hard this week as they did last week. I want us to go out and show the world, that you can't keep this team ,this university, and these fans down. And remember one REALLY important thing..........We aren't scUM.

Go Bucks!!

Great Post!!
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Did anyone else see Malcom Jenkins closing speed? Damn that boy is fast. I'd like to seem him race Ginn sometime.


and AY laying out the 6'3" 270 lb RB to save a TD.
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exhawg said:
Did anyone else see Malcom Jenkins closing speed? Damn that boy is fast. I'd like to seem him race Ginn sometime.

Yeah it was a hell of a play for a freshmen to make. It could of saved the game for us since they only got a fg out of it instead of just letting him score.

Overall I was impressed with Jenkins. I think we have a star in the making.
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exhawg said:
Did anyone else see Malcom Jenkins closing speed? Damn that boy is fast. I'd like to seem him race Ginn sometime.


and AY laying out the 6'3" 270 lb RB to save a TD.
Jenkins is gonna be a good one, but he got absolutely BLOWN THE FUCK UP on that last kick return before halftime... i watched it 3 or 4 times, and it hurt every time...

AY also made the tackle on Taylor after the missed safety, and took down VY with one arm during the first quarter... as he was falling VY was already pointing back at him, and when he got up, VY went over and patted him on the ass, and slapped his helmet... great, classy stuff...
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Troy Smith , Himself said, on not getting the ball to Ginn more. "Some of that was the QB's fault." So that sounds to me like Smith admitting he had some responsibility. Smith was rusty, his head was spinning!
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lvbuckeye said:
Jenkins is gonna be a good one, but he got absolutely BLOWN THE FUCK UP on that last kick return before halftime... i watched it 3 or 4 times, and it hurt every time...

AY also made the tackle on Taylor after the missed safety, and took down VY with one arm during the first quarter... as he was falling VY was already pointing back at him, and when he got up, VY went over and patted him on the ass, and slapped his helmet... great, classy stuff...

yeah I mentioned that in another post. He got absolutely destroyed. I could feel the pain through the tv.
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I'm only gonna say congrats to Texas. They came into the shoe and beat a good Ohio St team. It was a fun game to watch. However, I do want to caution people about saying Texas/OSU is going to dominate from here on out. People like to say these things because it makes their team look better by explaining the problems their team had to the super awesome opposing team. The truth is we don't know exactly how good this Texas team is yet. And that means we don't know how good OSU is either. It's just way to early to say these are 2 top 5 teams for sure. They both had plenty of problems executing.

I thought our offense would be lot better than it is. I should have known my expectations were out of whack because we never have a great offense. Why is OSU afraid of having a great offense, even if they have the players for it? No clue here. Nearly every recent NC team has had a great O and a great D with a few exceptions (most notably the bucks). Give some credit to Texas's D but they were never attacked. Don't be suprised to see TT or some other team hang 40 on them.

Too much hype and not enough on the field results yet. I'll believe it when I see it.
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It lived up to the hype which is amazing in today's world of media coverage. It also made the 2002 team a bit more special because the ball would bounce our way everytime and shows how hard it is to achieve perfection. It will be interesting to see what both teams take from this game. Texas still has a long way to go and very tired of hearing handing USC the trophy. I think this loss for the Buckeyes will help them understand what it is going to take the rest of the year to achieve their goals. My biggest surprise of the game is the lack of depth at RB. I really believe Pittman was hurt and should have got off the field at the end. Mack did impress me with playing his Freshman and surprised Mo Wells could not help us in this game.
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For what it's worth

I've been absent of the board for the most part this week, partly from being busy, and partly from the bitter taste the Texas game left in my mouth.

I realize that there were many plays that could have gone our way, and we would have won the game. That was last week, and there is nothing that any player, coach, or fan can do about it. It's time to move on.

The reality of it all is that we find our Buckeyes 1-1. They are a heavily talented team with the right signal caller finally getting the fulltime nod this week, I think most would agree. Jim Tressel coached teams typically get stronger as the year progresses. You will see the re-emergence of Teddy Ginn this week, mark it down. 1 loss does not end a season, we can still go undefeated in the Big Ten. If a few bounces go our way, we can still get in a title game, of course that is a big "if".

Sometimes a loss can build character, I certainly hope the Bucks look at it this way.

I'm sorry for the rambling, but I wanted to make one point. It's time to start a new winning streak........and a new period of dominance in the Shoe. I have a feeling that we are about to witness something magical from here on out.

Go Bucks.......Beat SDSU!
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Sometimes a loss can build character, I certainly hope the Bucks look at it this way.

I'm sorry for the rambling, but I wanted to make one point. It's time to start a new winning streak........and a new period of dominance in the Shoe. I have a feeling that we are about to witness something magical from here on out.

I sure hope so. These players, especially the defense, played in the Texas game like they had something to prove. Let's hope this past week only strengthens that desire.
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As usual, "Phat-Daddy" don't need a clock to see "what time it is." Nice post. I think this team has enuff smarts to realize that it can only worry about that which it can control. This season has just started, there's plenty of things that can happen in the next 3 months.
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Again, I really dont think the signal caller is what matters. I think it is having one QB that the entire team is behind. I think that raises the confidence level one notch. We have a solid team with great playmakers. We lost to a team that was ready to play. We just didnt have a solid game plan ready for them. We will rebound.
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