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Observations from A deck (Texas 2005)

I never dreamed that anybody could say this, but it is the truth...Tressel was completely out-coached by Brown. That was the biggest difference in the game. I'm still bitter, but seeing as I have not been able to talk all day, I might as well write.

Let me just say that I firmly believe all of the Buckeyes played their hearts out. The effort was outstanding, and I applaud and respect that. The execution, however, was lacking.

Obvious problems from the game:

Too many dropped balls. Ginn and Hamby stand out in that department, although I don't think it's an indication of things to come.

Too many missed tackles.

Bobby Carpenter, last I checked, is a linebacker, not a cornerback. He should not be covering wide receivers.

We have the best WR's in the country, and didn't use them.

Some not-so-obvious observations:

Our defensive line is gonna be good. They were playing against one of, if not the, best offensive lines in the country. They didn't look all that great, but only because of the Texas OL talent.

Our cornerbacks are not as good as we thought. Either that, or they just played horribly. The Texas WR's are NOT that good, but made our CB's look foolish more than once.

We played Tressel-ball to a T, and lost. I would venture to say that the game pretty much went exactly how Tressel had it scripted, until there were five minutes left. Nothing else makes sense.

Pittman is gonna be a stud.

I no longer respect the Texas team as I did. Every one of their fans (and there were many) I talked with were knowledgable and insightful and respectful. The team was not. The taunting and cheap shots I saw were inexcusable from a "classy" program. Not nearly as bad as a Miami team, but shocking nonetheless.

There is likely another thread where this post will fit better, but I didn't see it right away, and it seemed to fit here ok. Maybe after some of my disappointment subsides, I'll be able to answer the flames I am sure to receive.
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I pretty much agree w/ Jolly's post. I will not go into my thoughts b/c they have been echoed on here many times.

However, it is very rare to lose a game like this when you win the turn-over battle. How many times did our defense set the offense up with a turn-over...only to have our play calling be more predictable than Miss Cleo?

Hint- Don't run Troy Smith on first and second down every series.
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scarletngrey77 said:
what baffles me is we didnt run a single trick play last night, thats not good when you have so much talent and explosiveness on our team.

You run trick plays when you don't dominate the line of scrimmage. They owned the line of scrimmage. Our linebacker compensated for it.
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FKAGobucks877 said:
I never dreamed that anybody could say this, but it is the truth...Tressel was completely out-coached by Brown. That was the biggest difference in the game. I'm still bitter, but seeing as I have not been able to talk all day, I might as well write.

Let me just say that I firmly believe all of the Buckeyes played their hearts out. The effort was outstanding, and I applaud and respect that. The execution, however, was lacking.

Obvious problems from the game:

Too many dropped balls. Ginn and Hamby stand out in that department, although I don't think it's an indication of things to come.

Too many missed tackles.

Bobby Carpenter, last I checked, is a linebacker, not a cornerback. He should not be covering wide receivers.

We have the best WR's in the country, and didn't use them.

Some not-so-obvious observations:

Our defensive line is gonna be good. They were playing against one of, if not the, best offensive lines in the country. They didn't look all that great, but only because of the Texas OL talent.

Our cornerbacks are not as good as we thought. Either that, or they just played horribly. The Texas WR's are NOT that good, but made our CB's look foolish more than once.

We played Tressel-ball to a T, and lost. I would venture to say that the game pretty much went exactly how Tressel had it scripted, until there were five minutes left. Nothing else makes sense.

Pittman is gonna be a stud.

I no longer respect the Texas team as I did. Every one of their fans (and there were many) I talked with were knowledgable and insightful and respectful. The team was not. The taunting and cheap shots I saw were inexcusable from a "classy" program. Not nearly as bad as a Miami team, but shocking nonetheless.

There is likely another thread where this post will fit better, but I didn't see it right away, and it seemed to fit here ok. Maybe after some of my disappointment subsides, I'll be able to answer the flames I am sure to receive.
I agree with the part: to many dropped balls. and to many missed tackles, and our defence is GONNA BE good, and that our corner backs are not as good as we thought, and that B.Carpenter is a linebacker(however he covered wide outs better than most of the secondary did) at least for this game. I also agree with your statement that Texas has one of, if not the best lines in the country. Oh yea I also agree that the buckeyes played their hearts out.
Sounds to me that, well if you add all those things up, you might think they were just a little better than us Yesterday.

But sorry no flamen dude, not from me. I just won't mention the things I don't agree with you about here, because your also a Buckeye fan and entitled to your own opinion. Keep me posted though. By the way , I was just as disappointed as well.
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i believe we ran a trick play with teddy once and all he did was dance around and lose two yards. zwick is a great quarterback but i dont think he is quick enough in his decisions to be playing right now. texas dropped a lot of passes that could have been intercepted and zwick overthrew santonio once downfield and i thought made a poor pass to roy hall right before the missed fieldgoal.

Also, IMO, we did not get enough pressure on the VY. the times we did get him, he didnt know what to do, but the guy might be the most dangerous person in college football when he has time. he still has a poor arm but when he had time, their receivers got open. give him and the receviers credit for that one.

i believe we were definitely the better team but also deserved to lose. we didnt execute and that gave away the game.
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illinoisbuckeye said:
i believe we were definitely the better team but also deserved to lose. we didnt execute and that gave away the game.

I don't think we were the better team at all. BUT, we created more opportunities than Texas, and did not capitalize. I would say that both the Bucks and Texas played a little lower than their respective capabilities, and that the opponent had a lot to do with it. In a situation like that, you have to take advantage of mistakes and fortunate opportunities. In that regard, Ohio State failed miserably. It's too bad, but that's how I saw it, and without getting into a discussion of semantics, I think that's how most everyone viewing saw it.

Some things I saw that I didn't like:

-We rushed 3 against Vince on that winning TD throw.

-Where is Dionte Johnson this year? He could help a running play here and there, no?

-Ginn as a decoy on a reverse (non-existant).

-Ginn and Holmes pulling defenders for Gonzo into a one-on-one deep route where the ball is thrown for him to run under, a la the one attempt by Zwick to Holmes.

-Smith not given standard pocket-passing plays.

-etc...just wanted to throw those out there.
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illinoisbuckeye said:
i believe we ran a trick play with teddy once and all he did was dance around and lose two yards. zwick is a great quarterback but i dont think he is quick enough in his decisions to be playing right now. texas dropped a lot of passes that could have been intercepted and zwick overthrew santonio once downfield and i thought made a poor pass to roy hall right before the missed fieldgoal.

Also, IMO, we did not get enough pressure on the VY. the times we did get him, he didnt know what to do, but the guy might be the most dangerous person in college football when he has time. he still has a poor arm but when he had time, their receivers got open. give him and the receviers credit for that one.

"i believe we were definitely the better team but also deserved to lose. we didnt execute and that gave away the game."

Well I was in total agreement until that last statement, Because I definitely don't believe we were the better team , not on that Saturday anyways.
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The main thing I've noticed about Teddy this year is that he's doing too much stutter-stepping instead of just running straight down the field.

Seems like he's just trying to get too cute with some of his running.

Don't get me wrong though, the guy is a STUD!!!
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LordJeffBuck said:
JollyDog - I agree with most everything, except the "proud to attend" part. Each team played poorly enough to lose - Texas was fortunate to win, and Ohio State was fortunate that it wasn't a whole lot worse. However, both teams played hard from the opening kickoff to the final gun, and that's what "pride" is all about. Your points on execution and imagination are right on.
LMAO... i see your glass is half empty... the truth is, Texas was about two plays from losing by double digits...

FookMichiganTG2 said:
Teddy caught two fucking balls!! that is just unbelievable to me. what about 20 touhes a game tressel!!!!!
well, to start, Teddy dropped the first two passes that came his way...
for another thing, they tried to set up the reverse twice, but Troy fumbled the snap on the first, and Datish got blown up on the second...

so, by my count, he had two catches, two punt returns, and three KO returns... when you factor in the drops, that's eleven touches right there...

maybe if Teddy had shown that he was able to catch the ball early on, it would have come his way more often...
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Thump said:
The main thing I've noticed about Teddy this year is that he's doing too much stutter-stepping instead of just running straight down the field.

Seems like he's just trying to get too cute with some of his running.

Don't get me wrong though, the guy is a STUD!!!

ive noticed that as well..we were talking about that on sunday..

the guy is quick, no doubt about that..but there is just some plays where he could just run it down the right side and use his speed and he would be gone..if he breaks away no one will catch him..he doesnt need to be all fancy dancy evertime..
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What ifs and the game

It is great to Sunday/Monday morning quarterback, it's what we all do. We look at the game and say, well I would have done this different, Or we look and say what if this would have happened. And as mch as I hate to lose these types of games, I would much rather be in this position than in a game like Iowa last year where nothing could be said as you just watched Iowa roll us.

It happens sometimes, once bounce here, a tip there, a toe down in the endzone. We have all seen it, you wonder how that ball bounced in that direction, or look at the goal post in amazement thinking, wow did that post just shift right. Sometimes things just don't bounce you way not matter how hard you team fights something else seems to be working against you. It may be fate, it takes all forms, a bad call by the official, the sure fg being bobbled at the snap, it takes all sorts of forms. In the end you can't explain it away it just happened.

But there is one thing that we all need to remember and we all know. You live to fight another day, we know how good we are, we know what things we need to do. I would assume that the lose that we all feel in our hearts has lit a fire inside of those players. They are at practice today lifting just a little extra hard, hitting with a little more intensity, knowing that they need to go out and show the world that last week was just a blip on the radar screen.

We lost to one hell of a texas team this past week, and I think that will make all of us stronger and more intese as the season goes on San Diego State comes to town and it could be ugly this week. Then We start the Big Ten schedule, and you have to know that our players and fans want to give Iowa the same treatment in Ohio Stadium that we got last year. We still can win the big tem title, it's ours for the taking.

No one can stop us from moving back up the polls. There are about 109 teams that would love to be in the position that we are in right now. Remember these are our buckeyes, this is our team, I want people to cheer as hard this week as they did last week. I want us to go out and show the world, that you can't keep this team ,this university, and these fans down. And remember one REALLY important thing..........We aren't scUM.

Go Bucks!!
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