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NFL Discussion (Official Thread)

Yeah, I mean.... How many times do teams get screwed because the #1/#2 seeds sit guys? The Dolphins are pissed because Ben didn't play against the Browns? No... They're pissed because they didn't beat the Bills. And they're 10-6, not 6-10.

Hell, what if Sudfeld pulls off a drive for the ages? :lol:
I think its one thing to sit the starters .... its another thing to ALMOST score to take the lead then put in the practice QB
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Philadelphia is one of the bigger underachieving franchises in the NFL. Incompetence in the FO & coaching staff derailed what should have been an NFL superpower following the Super Bowl win. Obviously the Carson Wentz pick and contract has devolved into a disaster. There is no way should a team with their DL talent should be this bad.
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My guess is this year's Super Bowl champion will be the winner of the Buffalo-KC game. I lean to Buffalo given recent trends, but it is possible KC has been sandbagging the past month, holding back a bit because they were always in pole position and doing the minimum they needed in order to win the games.

I am not sure what to make of the NFC. All of those teams seem flawed to me to an extent, and I would pick both KC and Buffalo to beat any of the NFC teams. It has been months since Green Bay has faced a great team or a team that has played a really complete game against them, and they are considered the best team in the NFC.
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My guess is this year's Super Bowl champion will be the winner of the Buffalo-KC game. I lean to Buffalo given recent trends, but it is possible KC has been sandbagging the past month, holding back a bit because they were always in pole position and doing the minimum they needed in order to win the games.

I am not sure what to make of the NFC. All of those teams seem flawed to me to an extent, and I would pick both KC and Buffalo to beat any of the NFC teams. It has been months since Green Bay has faced a great team or a team that has played a really complete game against them, and they are considered the best team in the NFC.

And what great team has KC/Buff faced?
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My guess is this year's Super Bowl champion will be the winner of the Buffalo-KC game. I lean to Buffalo given recent trends, but it is possible KC has been sandbagging the past month, holding back a bit because they were always in pole position and doing the minimum they needed in order to win the games.

I am not sure what to make of the NFC. All of those teams seem flawed to me to an extent, and I would pick both KC and Buffalo to beat any of the NFC teams. It has been months since Green Bay has faced a great team or a team that has played a really complete game against them, and they are considered the best team in the NFC.

Didn’t Green Bay just smack the crap out of the Titans? I’d consider them pretty good.
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Its the playoffs..anyone can beat anyone but damn dude.

GB did beat NO at the superdome. Ill give you TB but that was in Tampa and not at Lambeau in Jan. And LA? HAHAHAH
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LA has one of the league's best defenses overall. You need a real defense to beat Green Bay. As far as LA goes, it is basically a toss-up, but I like their chances to beat Seattle this weekend.

There is a chance Washington could upset Tampa. Brady tends to struggle vs good pass rush teams, WFT DL is top notch, and Washington has been better than their overall record would suggest when starting Alex Smith.
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I do tend to discount early season wins as well. The Saints are notoriously slow starters under Payton. They get upset in Week 1 and 2 almost every year. This year with no preseason, losing in Week 3 to Green Bay, I don't put a ton of weight in that.
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