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NFL Discussion (Official Thread)

Had to go pick up my daughter from work, got back, I see Hurts on the sideline. Did he get hurt or something? Did Peterson get fired and find out early or something?!?

Why was cardboard cutout QB in for Philly? From what I heard Collinsworth and Michaels saying, didn't sound good.
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I watched the game and I can't definitively say which team this is referring to.
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Made it look easy. He has the stats to win MVP, but he wouldn't get my vote.

Mahomes is the MVP in my mind. Rodgers had a cakewalk this season in that offense. Nobody was stopping their ground game, and that made it really easy for him to run play action and have guys wide open all the time. Mahomes had a higher degree of difficulty to put up the stats he had, and he lost 1 game as opposed to 3. Mahomes would put up even better numbers than Rodgers if he was QB of this GB offense.

With as easy as it has been the past couple months for Green Bay, I think they are going to be in for a rude awakening when they have to play serious playoff teams. The level of defense is going to be much tougher the next time the Packers take the field.

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Made it look easy. He has the stats to win MVP, but he wouldn't get my vote.

Mahomes is the MVP in my mind. Rodgers had a cakewalk this season in that offense. Nobody was stopping their ground game, and that made it really easy for him to run play action and have guys wide open all the time. Mahomes had a higher degree of difficulty to put up the stats he had, and he lost 1 game as opposed to 3. Mahomes would put up even better numbers than Rodgers if he was QB of this GB offense.

With as easy as it has been the past couple months for Green Bay, I think they are going to be in for a rude awakening when they have to play serious playoff teams. The level of defense is going to be much tougher the next time the Packers take the field.

I'll take Henry this year. Mahomes and Rodgers have arguments too tho
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WTF - I gives two effs that he won a Super Bowl or not - he intentionally shat the bed? Guy should get fired for that. He gave a middle finger to both his QB AND the Giants at the same damn time.

difference between the 6th pick and the 9th pick was worth probably losing the team I guess.. .

the amount of schadenfruade on the interwebs about this especially from NYC is down right tasty though
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difference between the 6th pick and the 9th pick was worth probably losing the team I guess.. .

the amount of schadenfruade on the interwebs about this especially from NYC is down right tasty though

Yeah, I mean.... How many times do teams get screwed because the #1/#2 seeds sit guys? The Dolphins are pissed because Ben didn't play against the Browns? No... They're pissed because they didn't beat the Bills. And they're 10-6, not 6-10.

Hell, what if Sudfeld pulls off a drive for the ages? :lol:
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