Then don't make them have to make a decision... You decide, then do what you need to do to be ready to make the team at the position of your choice...
but you better be ready to do what you need to do..
it's called walk the talk... versus just talking the talk...
Yea heres the problem.
I played DB as a fresh. Going into my sophomore season I had every intention to play DB again. I even went to the OSU football camp for the position of DB. I trained all summer(On my own) to be a DB. I come into the first day of "Two-a-days". They say go to your defensive position area. I go to the DB coach and get in the line for the drill. He says "No your not a DB, go somewhere else". I was like, "Excuse me, I've always been a DB". He's like, "Well you won't be playing DB for me, go to the LB's". This guy never coached the Freshman Team. He's a varsity coach.
So I go to the linebackers. He's watching me do the drills. I backpedal on the drills. He says, "You know LB don't backpedal right, have you ever played LB". I tell him that I played CB the year before. He says "Then why aren't you over at the DB drills with Coach Mattox". I tell him that Mattox wouldn't let me be a DB.
Later that day in the sprints at the end of practices I messed up my ankle/foot...that ended my season. That pain while running went on until like the 8-9th week of the season when I went for a "jog" and the pain was gone. I started going faster and pain. I came back told coach it was back to "normal" and that I could play. He said just wait til next year. I wasn't going to play in a game anyway. I knew that. I already missed too much that year.
It would be painful whenever I ran, but not when I walked(Could never figure out what happened). Now its never like it happen. I have flash ups where it will happen again, but it usually only last a week or less. This lasted almost the whole season.
This is why I say they don't know where to put me. I tried to play the only position I know how to play...DB. He wouldn't let me. He wouldn't even give me a look. It sucks trying to learn a whole new position every year. But I will do whatever helps the team.