You were doing well until this last paragraph.
Wow. Are you in the same country as me?
Have you not heard of what the White House czars are doing? And the only one they are accountable to is the head of the current regime.
Or to turn it around, I'd be glad to have your abandoned WalMarts, strip malls, etc. in exchange for public servants that believe they are accountable. For example, the police forces in this country are not responsible for preventing crime nor for protecting anyone.
Legal Snares for the Unwary Law-Abiding Citizen
They do, however shoot people. Unarmed people in hospitals. --
62 year old ladies type people.
Toledo police shoot and kill 62-year-old woman -, Toledo's News Leader, News 11 |
The last death by gunfire in my town / my county was murder by cop.
The last death by gunfire in the city I work in, Toledo, was murder by cop.
Both of them were considered justified. Some
civil servants.
Our country was actually founded by the original Tea Partyers, the most anti-public servant group ever gathered. Over-throwers of governments.
And does anyone really believe the growth of the country was by public servants? That the FortyNiners who pushed the European expansion over onto the west coast were on the government dole? That the Oklahoma Sooners were lapping at the public tit? That the Railroad Tycoons pushed civilization west by turning a huge profit did it only on what we taxpayer alloted them? That the Eire Canal planner, entrepreneur Jesse Hawley worked for the government in any way? "Go west young man!" Though Horace Greeley didn't say it, neither did a public servant.
The westward movement of the Mormons
was caused by the government though.