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Nebraska Cornhuskers (corn)

knapplc;1917436; said:
Note - you do NOT want to frequent any of the strip clubs in Lincoln. While we have our share of hot women, none of the ones you'd want to see in a state of undress work at these establishments. Save your money and your eyesight.

Also, those women posted above are not representative of Nebraska. There are some fine-looking ladies here. They just don't pose for pictorials or strip.

Yep...only the guys pose naked here for some odd reason: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncaa/news/story?id=3532146

On the plus side...you may luck out:

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knapplc;1917434; said:
During the game you'll be treated well, without any batteries or urine-filled cups/bags thrown your way. After the game, win or lose, your team will be treated to a standing ovation as they leave the field.

If you enjoy this type of atmosphere, NEVER visit Madison or Happy Valley. Consider yourself warned.
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I've heard the horror stories about Madison. I have family in Wisconsin. They're.... different.

Nebraska Fan knows all about the "atmosphere" in Happy Valley. Our last visit (2002) was so bad their president and AD sent us a letter of apology.

When they visited us the following year we responded - with class and dignity. I'm positive there were a few jackass Husker fans that day, but the overwhelming majority treated Penn State fans very well.
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Bill Lucas;1917512; said:
Why is your fanbase buying into the speed hype (as in the Big Ten has none) and believing that the SEC "owns" the Big Ten when the record between the conferences since the inception of the BCS in nearly dead even?
How about confronting idiots directly rather than calling out these respectful Nebraskans over some mysterious unseen behavior.

OSU's scout board doesn't leave much room to talk if we're lumping fanbases together.
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jwinslow;1917513; said:
How about confronting idiots directly rather than calling out these respectful Nebraskans over some mysterious unseen behavior.

OSU's scout board doesn't leave much room to talk if we're lumping fanbases together.

I think this post is what prompted the question, making it less in your face than when it stands on its own.

knapplc;1917234; said:
This thread needs more action. What do you gents (and ladies?) want to know about the Huskers?
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Bill Lucas;1917512; said:
Why is your fanbase buying into the speed hype (as in the Big Ten has none) and believing that the SEC "owns" the Big Ten when the record between the conferences since the inception of the BCS in nearly dead even?

I can't comment on the "SEC owns the Big Ten" stuff, because I'm not familiar with posts like that. In general I think (among all college football fans), the SEC is recognized as the toughest kid on the block right now, which I'm sure feeds into the perception that they're better than the Big Ten. If it's any solace, I haven't seen a single word from anyone with a respectable opinion that Nebraska would have fared any better against SEC teams during their recent run of dominance.

Regarding the speed issue - I'm not even sure how you'd measure this. Clearly the people making such boasts have nothing quantifiable with which to say, "See, here's proof."

I suppose a person could slog through Rivals' and Scout's reported 40 times for each team's two-deep, create a database of all teams in the conversation and make some form of claim about team speed that way, but you and I both know the kind of person who's going to make a claim like that hasn't done such a thing. Even if they did it would be worthless - football speed is not 40-yard-dash speed.

Likely they're taking a cue from stereotypes perpetuated by ESPN and their ilk, and/or remembering the 1980s when it was more true that the Big Ten relied on strength more than speed. Of course, so did Nebraska (and the Big 8), which is why the Huskers lost seven straight bowl games in the late 80s-early 90s.

Basically, you have to take some time and read the boards where you're catching stuff like this and see if the people harping on about greater overall speed at Nebraska vs. Big Ten schools know their ass from a hole in the ground. My anecdotal experience says they don't.

Specifically regarding Ohio State, I doubt there's much, if any, overall speed difference between the Huskers and Buckeyes. Both programs recruit nationally, focus on skill as well as speed, and both have top-notch talent development personnel in the weight room, nutrition center and staffs in general. Bottom line is, if Pryor breaks through the line and heads off to the open field, one of our guys is going to have to have the angle on him and make a sure tackle or he's gone. Same goes for Martinez, for your RB and ours, your WRs and ours, etc.

It may be a different story comparing Nebraska's speed to that of, say, Illinois or Purdue, but then again Ohio State typically runs circles around these guys, too. Good teams are fast, that's becoming nearly universal.

So short story long, don't sweat the idiots who claim such things. Nebraska's fan base isn't immune to idiocy. You're going to find mouthbreathers on Husker message boards, too. Not much we can do about that.
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Bill Lucas;1917512; said:
Why is your fanbase buying into the speed hype (as in the Big Ten has none) and believing that the SEC "owns" the Big Ten when the record between the conferences since the inception of the BCS in nearly dead even?

Here's the gist of this statement from some of our fans:

Back in the early 90s, then defensive coordinator Charlie McBride had a pretty 'decent' defense. They were a powerful run-stopping defense that was physical up front. They would dominate games during the regular season with no problems for the most part....then the bowl season would happen.

Ergo if you look at two games specifically - the three game bowl slide in the Orange Bowl from 1991 - 1993. Nebraska's defenses were torched in those games (especially that game against the U), looking extremely slow. After that last loss to FSU, there was talk about a McBride ouster.

Doc Tom, in his typical low key self, gave McBride his support. In turn, McBride decided he was going to stop recruiting the slow, might look good on paper guys (like tOSU fan favorite Trev Alberts :biggrin:), and start building a more speedy, pass stopping oriented defense. He concentrated especially on the two rush ends, beefed up his middle linebackers with run stoppers, put athletic outside backers who could run in pass coverage, and concentrated on his secondary more. The plan paid off, in spades, I might add.

McBride's defenses in the mid 90's were some of the most dominant in college football history (especially that 95 team, who is considered amongst many as the most dominant team in NCAA History). They became a ball hawking, aggressive defense that lead the country in turnovers, tfls, and maiming QBs on a regular basis.

Fast forward a few years. Solich takes over, McBride retires. Nebraska was looking pretty in 2001. Craig Bohl arrived as the new Defensive coordinator.

Then the Colorado game happened.

62 - 36. Started the slide that took years to recover from.

Bohl, along with a bunch of other guys like George Darlington, Milt Tenopir, and others were fired. Solich went looking for a fresh, young mind. He asked a guy who was having some success as a head coach (Pete Carroll) for a new name.

2003. The legend of Bo Pelini was born in Husker lore. And the snake that is Steve Peterson arrives.

Huskers are winning games, but only because of the defense that Bo places on the field. Josh Bullocks leads the country in picks, Fabian Washington would be a first round draft pick. Demorrio Williams and others would also be drafted. But Solich would fail to keep his job, fired after going 9-2 that year. Bo coaches the bowl game, wins. Many here think he's the guy.

And then the epic bag of fail that is Bill Callahan is born.

Fast forward years later, and now Bo is again the guy. Since then, the SEC has 'positioned' themselves as the dominant force in the BCS, having won a bunch of the championships. It just so happened that tOSU played in two of those games...and lost them. But what some Husker fans forget - is that Oklahoma played in three of them as well....and lost.

The thought is that there's more 'team speed' in the SEC. I don't think it's hard to agree with that - look at the number of athletes that are drafted out of the SEC on a regular basis. Many are skill position players.


Some forget.....that same thing was said in:

1994 - Miami had Ray Lewis, Warren Sapp, hell, they even had The Rock. They were supposed to run circles around the Huskers. Didn't matter. Doc Tom's team wore them down through superior conditioning.
1995 - The Fun N' Gun was going to throw all over the Nebraska D. Not so much, ol' Ball Coach.
1997 - Some guy named Peyton was the QB. Didn't matter. They got handled as well.

It's all about perception. Speed is good - but if a game plan can negate speed....anybody can win.
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alexhortdog95;1918106; said:
1995 - The Fun N' Gun was going to throw all over the Nebraska D. Not so much, ol' Ball Coach.

It's all about perception. Speed is good - but if a game plan can negate speed....anybody can win.
And you convinced the hard headed some of a bitch that it is not heresy to leave a blocking fullback in, and (Praise God!!) that employing the shotgun in the face of a superior, athletic pass rush would not threaten your manhood, but allow you to find your open guy. See the next year's MNC over FSU finally using the shotgun. (He was still hard headed and Danny had to take a beating in Tallahassee until the Ole Ball Coach finally went shotgun in the MNC game. But you were the main motivator to get Stoops too)
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Gatorubet;1918132; said:
And you convinced the hard headed some of a bitch that it is not heresy to leave a blocking fullback in, and (Praise God!!) that employing the shotgun in the face of a superior, athletic pass rush would not threaten your manhood, but allow you to find your open guy. See the next year's MNC over FSU finally using the shotgun. (He was still hard headed and Danny had to take a beating in Tallahassee until the Ole Ball Coach finally went shotgun in the MNC game. But you were the main motivator to get Stoops too)

This is one of those times when I wish I had a Gator-Fan-To-English dictionary.

What the heck are you saying?
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knapplc;1918190; said:
I know Dale Klein kicked seven field goals in 1985 and we beat Missouri 28-20. That extra TD was just for fun, apparently. [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]

1985.......isn't that ironic. Would have been epic if it was 21-20 just on field goals....in 1985 :lol:
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