Brawndo's got electrolytes...
I'm just happy USuCk is getting theirs. I hate the players, the coaches, the fans...the song...
Thank god for Michigan...or USC would be at the top of the list.
I guess everyone has the right to their opinion but I do not get your POV. I have always thought Pete Carrol handled the split NC with class and was not bad mouthing LSU or Choklahoma when it happened. The USC kids seem to be articulate (and we find out good with numbers

I am a little envious of the media portrayal of USC as a sun drenched sexy Hollywood school and how it gives them an upper hand with recruits. I feel like that this is the base for most peoples dislike for the USC program.
Their fan base is bandwagon but they are NOTHING like the Domers.
I am an East Coast guy so it is too bling bling West Coast for me to really embrace. But all in all USC is OK by me.