stop cheating when programming and actually develop good defense, not super catchup speed in the open field and super verticals from every single db. Don't make it a near guarantee that someone in the zone will break a tackle. It's ok to increase the likelihood of an incredible play (especially on defense breaking on the ball, or a WR dominating like Boston/Braylon), but don't make it happen every time (very Blitz-esque). Get rid of the button tapping break tackle... this is not techmo super bowl. The Truck Stick from madden is not a bad option tho it works a little too much... implement a lesser version of that (for those that don't know, it basically lowers your shoulder and tries to plow thru a defender).
Make better defensive adjustments, both when a team is consistently running a particular play and also when a formation is stacked in one direction (not uncommon for a trips formation guarded by a dime to have the third WR covered by a LB... not all of the time but it should not happen period).
And please stop taking horrible pursuit angles, bizarre DB coverage (standing waiting for the ball, and then moving for the WR), and refusing to tackle the player standing/running directly to your side.