basketball players are the most visible. they walk around in shorts and tshirts covered in tats that offend some portion of the population. they whine and complain, which is visible becuase of the proximity of the fans and cameras to the action, and also is not covered by a mask, shield, helmet, glove or other object.
baseball gets away with a lot b/c it seems as american as apple pie. anyone who has been in an mlb club house its just about as hispanic as a taco in reality...
football, they have done a great job of covering the downfall of the game. strict rules on the uniforms and the no fun league have preserved some of the old school mentality. also you have many of the superstars who market themselves as normal guys. when i think nfl i think farve, palmer, lt (was essentially flawless untill the pats game) and many others. sure they have the ocho cincos but you dont see the nfl guys marketing him, he markets himself to a level which he essentially makes an ass of himself and it cant be seen as much more than a joke
soccer, does anyone actually watch this stuff? i couldnt identify any of the mls all stars outside of mcbride. and if you gave me 3 people who closely resembled him id probably miss guess.
golf, probably the biggest group of stuck up fuckers. arrogance is sickening of these guys. sure some of them are real good people. but no sport has more fakes than golf.
hockey, in canada a canadian nhl player can poop gold, unless hes not playing for a candian team. then you have how the canadian hate the euro players. some of these guys are punk asses, but you see most of these guys as really down to earth. take a guy like fedorov, anyone who has meet him once, or more than once know what kind of person he is. its part of the culture of hockey. in the us its an upper/uppermiddleclass sport, in canada and lots of europe its a middle class sport.
long story short. every sport has great guys and asses. some do a better job of marketing and patroling their image.
each mans perception is each mans reality.