Watson, Crick & A Twist
The Va. Tech President was quoted in an AP report (revised minutes ago) that the shooter was a VT student. (He couches his words, saying the 2nd incident was the work of the unnamed 19-year old Asian student, does not directly state that the 1st dorm shooting was his handiwork, but believes no other person was involved).
On the issued warning his words ..BLACKSBURG, Va. - Virginia Tech's president said Tuesday that a university student was the gunman in at least the second of the two campus attacks that claimed 33 lives to become the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history.
Though he did not explicitly say the student was also the gunman in the first shooting, he said he did not believe there was another shooter. The gunman struck down two people at a dormitory Monday before killing 30 more people at a campus building and finally killing himself with a shot to his head.
Steger also defended the delay in warning students about the gunman. Some students said their first warning came more than two hours after the first shooting, in an e-mail at 9:26 a.m. By then the second shooting had begun.
Steger said the university was trying to notify students who were already on-campus, not those who were commuting in.
"We warned the students that we thought were immediately impacted," he told CNN. "We felt that confining them to the classroom was how to keep them safest."