BUCKYLE;1921136; said:
Well that basin may dry up. But the water from the Miss will still make it to the Gulf, right?
What do I care if I75 shuts down as long as I77 is still open? Cargo from the North will still make it to the Gulf, just not thru the usual channels, right?
Yes and no.
The river will still make it to the gulf.
But there aren't any cities along the new route.
Not just no cities big enough to become a major port.
I mean there are no cities.
Only one is Morgan City, but it will be completely under water if the full flow of the mississippi heads that way.
By tonnage, NOLA is the largest port in the world.
Without the mississipi, that is no longer the case, and there is no viable replacement.
And there really isn't any other cities in the US as conveniently located as New Orleans, so rerouting to another part of the country won't be easy either.
By way of the miss river and connecting water ways, Nola is connected to most of the continental US.
What other city near a coast can say that?