well, the 1st gate has been opened.
streaming video available
sounds like they're only going to open 25% of the Morganza.
that bodes well for me. all of the original projections were for 50%.
one gate today, then 2-3 more gates tomorrow until they get it up to about 25% of it's capacity.
river crest is expected to come on or around May 22nd, and last for 8-10 days. Spillway will remain open until after the crest is complete.
At that time they will survey what is happening, and determine when it is best to close it.
latest report is that due to the slower opening, they're saying 192 hours (8 days) before we see water in Houma.
Once it gets here, it will stick around for a while.
it will all have to be pumped out through our forced drainage systems.