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Most arrogant fans ever?

When I was up in Ann Arbor this year for the Game, some scUM fans told me that they hoped my mom got syphilis because i was an OSU fan. I didnt say anything to him and he was really friendly until he saw my hat. He tried to pick a fight with me and my buddy right after he said the syphilis thing. Also, earlier in the day, my friend, who is a scUM fan, parked at his friends house. The guy came out and saw my hat and almost made us leaving and told me friend i was not allowed at his house and that I had to get off his property immediatlely. Now I have heard Wisconsin fans are jackasses, and i wont know until we play them next year in Madison, but I find a majority of scUM fans to be arrogant and cocky, as well as jackasses.

Yes,most Michigan fans are like that.

But then again,there are only TWO Michigan fans (it has recently come to my attention one more of my friends has decided his loyalty lies with scUM) that I will ever allow in my vehicle or on my propery.That's mostly because scUM fans are neanderthals mentally and will destroy anything that belongs to an Ohio State fan.
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When I was up in Ann Arbor this year for the Game, some scUM fans told me that they hoped my mom got syphilis because i was an OSU fan. I didnt say anything to him and he was really friendly until he saw my hat. He tried to pick a fight with me and my buddy right after he said the syphilis thing. Also, earlier in the day, my friend, who is a scUM fan, parked at his friends house. The guy came out and saw my hat and almost made us leaving and told me friend i was not allowed at his house and that I had to get off his property immediatlely. Now I have heard Wisconsin fans are jackasses, and i wont know until we play them next year in Madison, but I find a majority of scUM fans to be arrogant and cocky, as well as jackasses.
I was at UM for their northern illinois opener this year and my ohio state hat got mixed responses. There were a few "fuck ohio state" comments but there was also a couple guys who said "Brave man wearing those colors here". We went over to Fraser's pub after the game and had a few drinks. They were a good group of fans and we had a pretty good football discussion. There's bad apples in every group, the larger fan bases just have more bad apples.
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I never realized you cant be a fan if you, your family or someone you know doesnt go to the school
Hello all. Someone commented, earlier in this thread, on some of the local ND fans not being able to name any of the players. My wifes' family are all ND fans (imagine the holidays in my family). I had a cousin who was a co captain for the Bucks back in the 70'S. My Brother and sister are both OSU grads and my uncle played b-ball for them back in the 50's. The only reason most of the local ND fans ( I know) are ND fans is because they're Catholics. They didn't go to ND...nor did any of their family....and most don't even know anyone who went there. I just like to ask them why they don't root for Boston College, seeing as how it's a Catholic school that they have absolutely no ties to either.

:osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu:
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i fit that category, and i'd suggest I know a lot more about the team than the average OSU alum... much like most of you on this site.

TrueDat JWINS, but I notice that you live in the Columbus Metro area. How many ND fans have ever been within 100 miles of South Bend?

Their connection to the program has more to do with where they go to church than where they live. It is about being Catholic, not about football.

This brings the topic dangerously close to religion, but that is precisely the point here. It should not be about religion.

I typed a great deal more than this; but none of it belonged in this forum so I deleted it before ever hitting 'Submit Reply'.

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Also, earlier in the day, my friend, who is a scUM fan, parked at his friends house. The guy came out and saw my hat and almost made us leaving and told me friend i was not allowed at his house and that I had to get off his property immediatlely.

I got no problem with the guy kicking you off his lawn. Show up at my house with a maize and blue hat and I guarantee I'll kick your butt off my lawn. Better yet, I'll just wait until you go to the game and then have your car towed.

I expect them to hate us. We hate them, don't we? That's the whole point of a rivalry.

What's good for the goose...
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TrueDat JWINS, but I notice that you live in the Columbus Metro area. How many ND fans have ever been within 100 miles of South Bend?

Quite a bit actually, having spent 18 years of my life less than 45 minutes from South Bend i have a pretty good idea.

There are two types of fans in Indiana

1. Notre Dame Football / IU Basketball Fans
2. Purdue Fans who despise both ND and IU. (ironic how Purdue struggles to beat both schools in their respective strengths)

Ohio State fans such as myself, were few and far between in my area.

Their connection to the program has more to do with where they go to church than where they live. It is about being Catholic, not about football.

Entirely wrong, this is such a blatant stereotype, and demonstrates such arrogance that it warrants bringing OSU fans into this discussion. My highschool was flooded with green "Return to Glory Shirts" in 2002 when Ty had the Irish at 8-0 (for the record a public highschool 2,000 students). I myself a Catholic would even say that Catholicism wasnt even the predominant form of Christianity in my city, yet the major college affiliation was Notre Dame. Catholicism doesnt bind you the team, nor does it deter you from wearing blue and gold.

What many of you probably dont realize is that many of the news stations in South Bend are also broadcast in Chicago, and the entirety of Northern Indiana. The Indianapolis stations from what ive seen/heard do a great deal of ND coverage also. Notre Dame football is a statewide obsession as is Ohio State football, maybe not to the same extent, nor as loyal (many ND fans wouldnt go outside before charlie), but it does naturally draw a regional fan base. While i do agree that ND's popularity is helped by its ties to religion, especially on a national scale, its very easy to forget just how popular they are otherwise.

Furthermore its hard if not impossible, to speculate what type of religious demographic the subway alumni consist of. Ive met my fair share of ND fans id rather discuss table tennis with than football, ive also know some i could talk for days with. Its rather presumptuous for Buckeye nation to assume Catholicism is what gives ND fans, they have a great program, and storied tradition, to ignore this is what manifests the beliefs in other fan bases that OSU fans are arrogant.
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wells, I went to college near Indy, and there wasn't a ton of notre dame programming (tho I didn't watch the evening news that often). They were covered occasionally down there, but the Colts/Pacers dominated the airwaves, followed by IU/Purdue and smaller local schools.

Now my viewpoint might be a little biased, since I went from getting South Bend TV to Indy TV... so the stark contrast might cause me to understate the coverage ND got down there.
TrueDat JWINS, but I notice that you live in the Columbus Metro area. How many ND fans have ever been within 100 miles of South Bend?
I finally escaped and returned home :tongue2: Seriously tho, it is the Michigan fans that made living in SW MI unbearable.
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Now my viewpoint might be a little biased, since I went from getting South Bend TV to Indy TV... so the stark contrast might cause me to understate the coverage ND got down there.

Oh i agree entirely, its not near as much as what the South Bend stations do. I did notice they did much more coverage when i returned home this year, than they have in years past, and thats what i was going off of. Comcast out of Chicago also was doing a fair share of pre bowl coverage also.
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Entirely wrong, this is such a blatant stereotype, and demonstrates such arrogance that it warrants bringing OSU fans into this discussion.

I have live in 7 different states and known many ND fans who were ND fans because of their religion by their own admission. This is a nation-wide phenomenon. I've seen it in Arizona, California, Texas, Maryland, Virginia, etc...

If you don't like it, that's too bad; but it is FACT.
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