Mirror Guy
I'm sure these have all been covered, but its a long thread so:
1. Idiots who drive slowly in the left lane (It's even worse in CO than in OH IMO).
2. Idiots who don't react when a light turns green (although "don't react" means 2-3 seconds followed by a quick tap of the horn from me, not an immediate blaring of the horn 1/4 of a second after the light turns green).
3. Idiots who use their horns a lot. I hate the sound of a car horn. To the thread starting post, if I lost focus and didn't react to a light turning green within a scond or two, I'd be cool with a quick tap of the horn. If a dude lays on it, I might flick him off even though I'm in the wrong initially.
4. Idiots who don't know to pull half way iinto an intersection during a green light so they can turn left when the light turns red.
Add people who drive under the speed limit and your list is perfect.