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Maryland at tOSU, Sat. 10/7, 12pm ET, FOX

Excellent Defense again today from Coach Knowles' crew. First score they gave up off a WTF special teams play and a hell of a catch. 1 more really unfortunate drive but huge turnovers, 6 points and a lot of up front pressure. Keep getting better and let's see where we are at the end of the year.

Offense. Practice, practice, practice. Throw the WR screens and jet sweeps in the trash until you learn how to block for short yardage. Then, just trell McCord to freaking rip it. No pussyfooting around, just RIP it.
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Day didn’t mention the fans when he was asked about what 50 wins meant. Players and coaches. Easy clickbait.

See how easy it is to misquote something like that to drive trash media coverage? That’s fucked up.
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Excellent Defense again today from Coach Knowles' crew. First score they gave up off a WTF special teams play and a hell of a catch. 1 more really unfortunate drive but huge turnovers, 6 points and a lot of up front pressure. Keep getting better and let's see where we are at the end of the year.

Offense. Practice, practice, practice. Throw the WR screens and jet sweeps in the trash until you learn how to block for short yardage. Then, just trell McCord to freaking rip it. No pussyfooting around, just RIP it.
They gave up too much in the run game for the middle of the game but after the O got rolling they turned it up
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