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Maryland at tOSU, Sat. 10/7, 12pm ET, FOX

I’m sorry I’m being a twat. I’ve been drinking a bit and things have been rough at home. Never had an issue with anything you’ve posted and I am not trying to initiate a childish feud.

Legit my bad.
Also I hope whatever rough things you are experiencing resolve soon in a good way. I hate to hear things like that.
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Proud of our Buckeyes for fighting through their struggles today. Kyle was really weak in the first quarter but each quarter he got better and better and ended up with a strong performance. Marv is Marvelous. Cade continues to show up. And the Silver Bullets shined today. Kudos to Proctor and Ransom for changing the momentum of the game at key times during the game. And Sonny Styles showed up today and made some key plays on D.

Question: What's the best part of being 5-0?
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So when your team wins by 20 points and it was the crappiest game I have seen in a long time.. how do you feel lol?
I'd feel better if it didn't already happen 4 other times this year. Appreciative of the win, but this team has major issues that don't seem to be improving much. Anything can happen, but it's difficult for me to see us beating psu or scUM
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I'd feel better if it didn't already happen 4 other times this year. Appreciative of the win, but this team has major issues that don't seem to be improving much. Anything can happen, but it's difficult for me to see us beating psu or scUM
James Franklin will still find a way to hand us a W from the jaws of L, but that UM game at the end of the year is looking… woof.

This OL has to figure something out.

Happy for the win today and the resilience of the D. Best thing about 5-0….?
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I'd feel better if it didn't already happen 4 other times this year. Appreciative of the win, but this team has major issues that don't seem to be improving much. Anything can happen, but it's difficult for me to see us beating psu or scUM

Need to escape West Lafayette before PSU. The Bucks are 2-4 there since Holy Buckeye. We'll get their best shot, again.
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