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Maryland at tOSU, Sat. 10/7, 12pm ET, FOX

I’m sorry I’m being a twat. I’ve been drinking a bit and things have been rough at home. Never had an issue with anything you’ve posted and I am not trying to initiate a childish feud.

Legit my bad.
Well you obviously haven't paid close enough attention to things I've posted. I'm a jerk!

All good
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After the first half, I would have predicted a very different outcome.
I was actively trying not to watch up to the Pick 6. After that I was glued to the screen again. I hate it when I have zero confidence in what we are doing out there, and by that I mean, our game preparation and whatever the fuck we were calling from our Offense. Our boys never quit, they don't always end up in the right position but they never quit. I should have never thought otherwise. Damn you coach for making me doubt!:smash:
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