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Maryland at tOSU, Sat. 10/7, 12pm ET, FOX

I mean I get that part but he’s effective. Just don’t understand why you shelf the ability to get 6 on a second down

Me either. I prefer Trayamum as RB1 because he fights for yards and has good vision, but id have Miyan as RB2 to spell him and just punish the D like we saw. Have both in on goalline, give to either one and push.
Make them rethink life.
And Henderson is a guy you try to get 10 touches, but he goes down too easy to be an every down back imo.
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Me either. I prefer Trayamum as RB1 because he fights for yards and has good vision, but id have Miyan as RB2 to spell him and just punish the D like we saw. Have both in on goalline, give to either one and push.
Make them rethink life.
And Henderson is a guy you try to get 10 touches, but he goes down too easy to be an every down back imo.
We averaged 1.6 yards per rush… not sure how we can say Chip is RB1.

I like Chip but more as a FB option that can also be a threat out of the backfield.
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Me either. I prefer Trayamum as RB1 because he fights for yards and has good vision, but id have Miyan as RB2 to spell him and just punish the D like we saw. Have both in on goalline, give to either one and push.
Make them rethink life.
And Henderson is a guy you try to get 10 touches, but he goes down too easy to be an every down back imo.

Respectfully disagree about Henderson. If he's healthy and you're using him as RB3 I'm going to want you fired.
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