Pretty good posts and I understand your points so let me explain mine.
Probably one of the worst things a teenager can go through would be a mental breakdown due to steroids. No teenager should ever even give it a thought. It's the media's glamorization of athletes taking steroids and hitting monster home runs and winning gold medals..."THIS IS HOW THEY DID IT" type attitude that makes younger people feel that it's needed to compete against the best or be the best.
Teenagers aren't going to do a detailed investigation about steroids. They are just going to take them. When in reality taking steroids at a younger age does nothing to benefit you physically. It will shut growth plates off,and (this is just my personal opinion,because I have seen this through experience with other people that I personally knew so it's a grain of salt type thing) they run a HIGHER chance of becoming physically dependent on steroids simply because they think that is what done everything for them. That could lead to a fixation,which in short will make the person believe he can't do shit without shooting up,because his personal confidence is destoryed without them....
OH10;953207; said:Actually, I believe steroids are all over. I, like many fans who pay hard-earned money to watch these athletes, don't care for steroids.
There's actually no argument from me about this. If the playing field could ever be normal without anyone using..That's exactly how I wish it would ALWAYS BE.
Don't care if it makes the best better. Don't care if it can't be stopped. Don't believe accepting steroids as a part of society is a good thing. You do - and that's a problem.
I accept them in sports,because they are there. Not to do so is just being naive. It has nothing to do with using or not using. It has more to do with the insight of knowing how much is actually used.I also never said accepted "steroids as part of society is a good thing" I am simply saying that they are..Therefore,it will be there regardless of my own personal opinion about them.
So steroids make great athletes better? Boo fucking hoo. In the grand scheme of life, why should I give a shit about such a "nothing" benefit when there are identifiable risk? Why should I embrace steroids if all they do in sports is allow Barry Bonds to hit 73 home runs or Marion Jones to win 5 medals, but at the same time, tell our kids that steroids will help you win that high school league title you've dreamed about?
You just proved the biggest misconception about steroids. Do you honestly think steroids hit 73 home runs or won 5 gold medals? Do you have any idea of the caliber of athlete they were day in and day out living in their own mold and knowing exactly how good they were before they starting using? I have never seen a vial of any steroid hit home runs or run at high speeds. To honestly sit down and think that you can wager what the substance has done to the individual person is impossible. Now in the same regard I cannot testify as saying it didn't improve the person's skills dramatically...It's all in one's opinon and that's pretty much all you can do is speculate. Until you use the substance first hand there is absolutely no possible way of knowing how your body will react to it. However,the mental edge will be there regardless if the substance is working or not. Mainly,because people are looking for something to make them better. They know it's
supposed to do this or that..Therefore,they are going to bypass the mental anxiety or everyday frustration of not being good enough. Does that make it fair to the people that don't use..Absolutely not!
Actually, most people know that steroids "alone" doesn't do a damn thing. We all just wish it was hard work and talent - without the steroids.
Hey I can totally relate to that. It's a black eye to any sport. A lot of it also falls back on people who have the misconception of steroids hitting the ball for you or steroids running faster for you....Even if an ELITE athlete is caught using steroids his accomplishments shouldn't be thrown out the window. I appreciate great accomplishments regardless of how they went about getting them. Steroids are just there anymore man. They are all over the place..They are in high schools(which is totally a joke for MULTIPLE SHIT REASONS)ncaa sports and pro sports..I don't welcome steroids. I just understand going into something that they are already there,and if I plan on competing against someone using..Then fuck it you know? I'm still competing..I'm still giving 100% and pushing myself towards my own personal feats..I'm not going to make excuses why someone else is better which happens too much imo...
Doesn't respond at all to the question. The fact that more athletes are using steroids is a BAD thing for the few clean athletes left. The honest athletes that don't break CLEAR RULES are suffering from a competitive disadvantage because the CHEATERS don't care about the health risks.
I agree with you. It is a bad thing,but what can you do to stop it? Better yet let's take a small look at beating a test shall we?
If you are taking a tipped off random test(yes it happens),and you have x amount of days for things to clear your system. You basically run fast acting esters that can yield gains while on them,but exit the system in the smallest amount of time. I'm not sure how familiar you guys are with steroids,because this isn't a forum for that type of thing,but it's like this...Any test can be beaten and will always be. It's not as much as "masking" steroids as much as it is just the chemical passing through your body as fast as possible. The ester that is
attached to the actual chemical controls the rate at which the steroid is released. That's why when people say "He's on testosterone" that actually isn't an actual description. If you go to the doctor for HRT (hormone replacement therapy),then he will prescribe something like testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate,which is a long acting ester that is going to take awhile to clear your system.(3 months if you were tested)
However, athletes can get different variations of the same compound,and it clear their bodies in much less time such as testosterone propionate,which can leave the system in less then a couple weeks...That's why you can't really beat a steroid user that is guided by detection times,other people's urine or even the fake looking dildos you hold in your hand to piss with lol..
I assume this is something only a user, like yourself, might understand, right?
The mentality of someone on steroids is definitely stronger then the average guy. It's not just a physical change for athletics. It's a mental one as well.
Because if they were dedicated to the sport, they'd be dedicated to steroids, right?
Honestly,once someone starts using a chance for a physical addiction is very possible. I don't really think they are dedicated to steroids. I think the person honestly believes they can no longer excel without them. So they are shackled more so to the mentality then they physical gains.
You're right. But I do know what it's like to watch a high school athlete tear his family apart with his reliance on steroids just because he thought he could become the next Shawn Merriman.
Probably one of the worst things a teenager can go through would be a mental breakdown due to steroids. No teenager should ever even give it a thought. It's the media's glamorization of athletes taking steroids and hitting monster home runs and winning gold medals..."THIS IS HOW THEY DID IT" type attitude that makes younger people feel that it's needed to compete against the best or be the best.
Teenagers aren't going to do a detailed investigation about steroids. They are just going to take them. When in reality taking steroids at a younger age does nothing to benefit you physically. It will shut growth plates off,and (this is just my personal opinion,because I have seen this through experience with other people that I personally knew so it's a grain of salt type thing) they run a HIGHER chance of becoming physically dependent on steroids simply because they think that is what done everything for them. That could lead to a fixation,which in short will make the person believe he can't do shit without shooting up,because his personal confidence is destoryed without them....