I'd rather not take a look at the video, partially because it's not relevant to my point, partially because I'm just not interested. If the geek he attacked wasn't the cup thrower, then the one you're referencing may well have been an innocent. Or perhaps he wasn't, doesn't really matter in the scope of my end of this discussion. Just more reason why fans who DO get out of hand should be banned from games for some period. It's for their fellow fan's protection. A fan threw the cup, and by no means is he or they an innocent.
And no, players never belong in the stands. Likewise, fans never belong on the court or field while the players and officials have a game-related presence on it.
As far as justifying Artests behavior, I don't see anyone saying that it was okay. I think people more or less universally know he screwed up and did the wrong thing. I think the closest some come to justifying it is looking at it the same way they might a case where a husband comes home to find the mailman and his wife in the reverse cowgirl and kills him. The guy is guilty of murder, but somewhere in some deep and ugly place inside us, a lot of people can look at that and go "he shouldn't have done it, but I understand where the urge came from that led to it."
We're not nearly as evolved as we like to think or pretend, and sometimes it shows. It's really that simple. And when it does, when we can't keep command of our emotions or actions, then we get slapped accordingly.
The players have been slapped, and my point is that the league should look closely at what they can do to slap fans in the future.
I don't really understand your point in playing down what the fan(s) did. There's also no reasonable justification for throwing any object at a player. It's nowhere near as bad as what Artest did, but we don't and shouldn't balance offenses off others in the same incident. Each should be measured on its own.
Had Artest not gone into the stands, I think a lot of people would have been outraged that a fan threw something on the court and hit a player. And if they weren't, they should have been. The fact that Artest did something ridiculously stupid after the fact, shouldn't change how we view the act of the fan(s), whoever they were.
GMan said:
Please take a look at the video. The fan that Artest attacked did not toss the cup and, thus, is an innocent bystander. The man in the blue shirt with the white hat did the tossing.
The NBA has stated clearly that players do not under ANY circumstances belong in the stands. Period.
If their ego had not got the best of them, none of this would have happened. Besides, it was a flipping plastic cup that hit him in the chest - not the head. No, it wasn't a bottle. It wasn't a hard plastic mug. It was a cheap plastic cup which, judging by the amount of liquid that came out once it hit the 6' 7" 246 lb thug, had hardly anything in it.
The fan that tossed the cup was wrong. Period. However, what Artest did can not be justified by a reasonable human being.