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LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

Restaurant Recomendation

When you guy's are in N.O. you have to eat at Vincent's Italian Restaurant on St. Charles Ave. It's the best Italian food you'll ever have, very causal place place to get the full N.O. experience of local flavor. Try the corn & crab bisque in the bread bowl, sinful.
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OSUBucksfan09;1023260; said:
Is there really some famous sandwich at a place called Central Grocery?




Muffuletta Sandwich, History of Muffuletta Sandwich
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Sadly, Bella Luna never reopened after Katrina

It was considered the most romantic restaurant in the City.

Here is the information from Tom Fitzmorris' nomenu.com

Bella Luna. Horst Pfiefer, chef and owner of Bella Luna, has decided that he will not reopen Bella Luna. Although he didn't say so, I think the problem is with the landlord: the City of New Orleans, which owns the French Market, including the building where Bella Luna was. They dragged their feet on repairing the roof. Horst and his wife Karen continue to operate their catering facility, The Foundry, in the Warehouse District, and they just bought Middendorf's in Manchac.
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Just back from my first trip to NOLA.

1. Biegnets. Better than nachos. Do them at Cafe DuMonde. Accept no substitute.

2. Post Katrina Tour from Isabelle's. Downer? A bit. But a great way to see the city, understand what happened, and appreciate the overwhelming loss.

3. Mardi Gras World. Take the free ferry to Algiers, then the free shuttle. See the floats and the process up close and get a whole new appreciation of the history of the event.

4. Eat. It doesn't really matter where.

5. Bourbon Street at night. Avoid it at all costs. Nothing but alcohol, titty bars, and hot, drunk women. Not the sort of thing members of this board would go for at all. (Oh, and good music is hard to find - not more than every third store front.)

6. Tip. Spend lots of money and tip big. Everything helps, but the worker level is where the real pain is. We took four guided tours party for this very reason. Two of our guides had personally lost their homes. Everyone took a hit from this storm. Everywhere you go tip whatever you can afford. From a tourist perspective NOLA is back (it is now near the top of my favorite cities). From a residents perspective it has a long way to go.
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Oh8ch;1023345; said:
5. Bourbon Street at night. Avoid it at all costs. Nothing but alcohol, titty bars, and hot, drunk women. Not the sort of thing members of this board would go for at all. (Oh, and good music is hard to find - not more than every third store front.)

That about sums it up.
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I would like to dedicate this post to your fan base that will be traveling to New Orleans. I am a resident of the City and and a rabid LSU fan. However I come in peace today. I am sure enough of you have watched CNN, FauxNews and heard all of the negative news. But I just want to let you know that there is no reason to fear for your life. Sure we have our problems as every city. Mostly the crime is in certain areas that are not around the areas most popular to tourists. In other words if you are staying around the Superdome or Downtown you will be fine. Everything is pretty much in walking distance which is one thing that makes New Orleans a great City for hosting events such as the Super Bowl/Sugar Bowl/Mardi Gras. So if we could I would like to check back in every day or so and if you have any questions or would like me to offer advice on restaurants of the local flavor, where to park to tailgate, where to buy alcohol or when :biggrin:(all day every day, any corner). This is the thread that we can handle all of that here. Now I realize that in typing this there may be some knuckleheads from LSU that come on here and say I am lying about the crime and area. I just want the fans to shake off the stereotype of the City and come in with an open mind to enjoy themselves instead of worrying and being uptight. Like I said, we have our problems as every city but I live here and I am in it every day not sitting in Baton Rouge watching the news. Also, during events such as this the N.O.P.D is one of the best in the country at protection. Before Katrina they were actually a model for other departments to learn from (maybe the only thing they were good at). Everything is almost back to normal.

In closing before any of you have any questions. I would just like to say in advance that we really appreciate when fans come down and stay in our hotels, eat at our restaurants, use our taxi services and all of that good stuff. It means a lot to us, now more than ever we need support, not just handouts from the governemt as most think. It's a fair trade, you come down help us out and we'll show you how to party with the best of them. With all of that (novel)out of the way, I wish your team good luck and I'll be around to discuss some actual football which is what I am better at.
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Oh8ch;1023345; said:
6. Tip. Spend lots of money and tip big. Everything helps, but the worker level is where the real pain is. We took four guided tours party for this very reason. Two of our guides had personally lost their homes. Everyone took a hit from this storm. Everywhere you go tip whatever you can afford. From a tourist perspective NOLA is back (it is now near the top of my favorite cities). From a residents perspective it has a long way to go.

About to bring a tear to my eye :biggrin:. You actually get it. It's hard to find people that understand but this post explains a lot. After reading this board for a few hours now, there are some classy fans here. It's not the money part in the post, it's the part about letting others know that NOLA is back for outsiders and trying to help with what you can in tipping. I see it is as a fair trade in we try to offer a great experience and you help us with revenue to rebuild our lives. The residents face an uphill battle daily but we welcome everyone with open arms to our City.

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