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LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

Oh8ch;1023345; said:
Just back from my first trip to NOLA.

1. Biegnets. Better than nachos. ...

You said a mouthful right there.

Most of our members realize (or should) that this is about as high as praise gets (culinary-wise) on BP.

Visiting LSU fans might want to click HERE and follow the links to get an inkling of what I mean. There's a lot of good reading there too.
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Death Valley;1023665; said:
The residents face an uphill battle daily but we welcome everyone with open arms to our City.


I may have posted this before, but if you take a bus or van tour of the "destruction", you'll pass by the breach at the 17th Street Canal. If you are allowed to get out, go to the house about 4 down from the levee on the cross street with the 8 foot inflatable LSU Tiger on the front lawn. That's me--knock and ID yourself from Buckeye Planet and I"ll give you a brew and some Mardi Gras beads!:beer:
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parrotdr;1023750; said:
I may have posted this before, but if you take a bus or van tour of the "destruction", you'll pass by the breach at the 17th Street Canal. If you are allowed to get out, go to the house about 4 down from the levee on the cross street with the 8 foot inflatable LSU Tiger on the front lawn. That's me--knock and ID yourself from Buckeye Planet and I"ll give you a brew and some Mardi Gras beads!:beer:


It's a Trap!
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parrotdr;1023750; said:
I may have posted this before, but if you take a bus or van tour of the "destruction", you'll pass by the breach at the 17th Street Canal. If you are allowed to get out, go to the house about 4 down from the levee on the cross street with the 8 foot inflatable LSU Tiger on the front lawn. That's me--knock and ID yourself from Buckeye Planet and I"ll give you a brew and some Mardi Gras beads!:beer:

Well I live about 10 miles from there. I don't usually take tours.:biggrin:
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You know I am starting to like you guys a little too much. I think I'm going to take a break from these forums about a week before the game and talk to some of my idiot cousins so they can tell me how much Ohio St. sucks so that I can be a lean mean Ohio St. hating machine by the time the game comes around. Because at this rate if I stay on here I might just let out a little cheer if Beanie Wells stiff arms someone, and that would be quite embarassing for me.
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GeauxTigers;1024010; said:
You know I am starting to like you guys a little too much. I think I'm going to take a break from these forums about a week before the game and talk to some of my idiot cousins so they can tell me how much Ohio St. sucks so that I can be a lean mean Ohio St. hating machine by the time the game comes around. Because at this rate if I stay on here I might just let out a little cheer if Beanie Wells stiff arms someone, and that would be quite embarassing for me.

It grows on you, doesn't it???? :biggrin:
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I stole this from SiDeath of Something Awful's Sports Argument Stadium forum (they run Main Page - SAS Wiki), the guy who posted this apparently alternates as the LSU mascot.

The Buckeyes will be staying at the JW Marriott which is on Canal Street between St. Charles Avenue and Camp Street.

I recommend the following places to eat:

Camellia Grill (On St. Charles and Carrollton at the Riverbend) - open pretty late most nights, but I don't know its hours any more. It's relatively cheap and a can't miss.

Gulfstream (On St. Charles) - great for dinner, mostly seafood, could run you about $55 for two.

Frankie and Johnny's (On Tchoupitoulas St and Arabella St) - good neighborhood hang out with po-boys, seafood, and general American/Cajun cuisines. About $30 for two (good choice for cheap dinner).

Domilise's Po-Boys (On Annunciation and Bellecastle) - the world's best po-boys, hands down. Great lunch location, will definitely have a line. Call ahead to place an order for pick up - they've got all the big types of po-boys. They'll run you close to $25 for two, especially if you get two large po-boys.

Commander's Palace (On Washington Ave and Coliseum) - a must-visit! Plan on making reservations ahead of time and be prepared to wear a jacket to dinner. This place is 4 stars and is an absolute dining joy. Has won like the last forty billion James Beard awards for service in the Southeast. Dinner here can run up to $100 for two, but I believe it's honestly worth it. (Full disclosure: I used to work here and adore it as place of work as well as a place to eat)

Palace Cafe (On Canal and Chartres St) - great lunch/brunch location, another of the Brennan's family of restaurants (like Commander's). This is an upscale business lunch/dinner type place, splitting the difference between downtown and the Quarter. For lunch, it can run up to $50 for two.

Let me know if you'd like more recommendations, I'd be happy to make some more for eating. (There's obviously like Antoine's, Galatoire's, Red Fish Grill, Dickie Brennan's Steakhouse, Acme Oyster House, and the other choices actually in the Quarter - many of these are great, but parking is impossible, so unless you're already down there, they're inaccessible.)

As far as what to do during the day, like I said earlier, there are the Haunted Walking Tours at night, which are pretty cool. The Katrina bus tours are really interesting, as are the walking tours of the Garden District. Audubon Park has a really great, really cheap golf course, if you're a golfer. If you're downtown, our Aquarium is really pretty baller.

Pat O'Brien's - Go to the one on Bourbon and sit on the patio, if only for one drink. A beautiful fountain with a torch is the centerpiece here, and you can order from waiters who'll bring your Hurricanes to you (get one, it's good). I also recommend not getting your deposit back and keeping the glass - they're one of a kind and generally a nice tool to remember what you can't from the night before.

Hand grenades are plentiful on Bourbon and frankly I don't think it matters where you get one.

If you're going out on Bourbon, I recommend that if you are the least bit homophobic, you don't cross Orleans St heading away from Canal. St Anne St is the home of the New Orleans wild and crazy gay scene. There are actually some good bars there with good music, but if the client?le makes you uncomfortable, don't go. Good Friends (St. Anne and Dauphine) is a really great chill gay bar with an ATM and open doors. If you're looking to see some shit you'll never forget, there's a place closer to N. Rampart on St. Anne (at the corner of Burgundy) called Rawhide. I've never been in there, but I stood outside while some friends went inside to use the pisser - I've never regretted standing outside of a building so badly.

Cafe DuMonde, while not a bar, is a great late night snack place on N. Peters, near Jackson Square. It's home of the beignet, or French doughnut. No superlatives are enough to describe the awesomeness, but always remember to breathe in when you're taking a bite.

The Cat's Meow on Bourbon is a cool karaoke bar, but it's 21+.

Lots of great jazz bars on Frenchman St, just on the far side of the Quarter past Esplanade. The Hookah Bar and Cafe is a great hookah/smoking bar, if you're in to that, it's at Frenchman and Decatur.

There's obviously Harrah's Casino, if you really like wasting money.

The Old Absinthe House on Bourbon is a pretty cool place, pretty popular. There a lot of daiquiri places along Bourbon that are good.

If you're not looking to go out in the Quarter, there are a lot of really awesome too. Fat Harry's on St. Charles is a great college/neighborhood hangout bar that serves drunk food. F&M's on Tchoupitoulas is another good one. I personally hate TJ Quill's on Maple, but I think it's relatively popular with a lot of other college kids. The Boot (on Broadway) is a good place to go if you've got friends at Tulane or Loyola. I really like "new" Bruno's on Maple, near TJ Quill's - it's basically brand new and serves food (a clean bar + well priced drinks + drunk food = teh awesome!)
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I still don't get anything on there about nachos

Deety;1023955; said:
I believe that would be Oh8ch's "Observations" posts. Great stuff! Here's the Michigan one, and the others can be easily found by searching "observations."

I used ctr f and got nothin'

And I'm interested to know the story. I love nachos and I love beignets, but I don't get the comparison. How can something so different than its competitor be better? Are apples better than steaks? Is a great massage better than a night with Nicole Kidman? Oh wait, that does have an answer. . . .

Anyway, I'd love to hear the nachos story if anyone can explain.
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LSU_Ed;1024209; said:
I used ctr f and got nothin'

Just double-click on the underlined words to go to that linked thread. To see the others, use the 'Search' drop-down box at the top of this page, and type 'Observations' into the 'title' box and hit enter. That should return a list of threads you can then access.
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Don Shula's steakhouse, good or overated?

I've heard good things about it, and I'm sure you'd get a great steak there, but you don't come to New Orleans to go to someplace you can go to in any big city. Do a local thing instead, like a few of the other suggestions. I've lived in N.O. for all of my years (except the 9 month Katrina "vacation"), and I don't think I'll ever get to all the great old mom and pop corner neighborhood restaurants here.
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