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LSU fan recommendations for your visit to NOLA and the game

LSUgirlinTx;1020579; said:
No thanks!

I've always wondered why we in the south have the Superdome or the Georgia dome, but there is a Lambeau Field or a Soldier Field up north.

I'm sure some would like to make a big deal about toughness...

But the real answer to the question is era. Lambeau and Soldier were built long ago.

The domes you reference were built more recently.

Many in the north do revel in the whole idea of outdoor football. I prefer it as an outdoor sport myself.

But time marches on...
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LSUgirlinTx;1020304; said:
Hello! I just wanted to come by and offer a hello and add my .02
I'm so excited about this game.

My favorite restaurant is Pascale Manales.

We love our football, we love our Tigers, we love our Suthun traditions, we love to cook and feed people. If you can take what we dish then you'll be king of our tailgate.

Geaux Tigers!

I think I love you!!! :bow: :cheers:
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Tiger Forums is definitely the best LSU site to visit and talk football. Very knowledgable members.[/quote]

what he said

the moderators dont put up with foolishness

also if goto new orleans plz goto the ww2 museum
ive been to the d day museum before it was expanded to ww2 overall
and it was a special experience . i really hope you goto it so we will never forget
what the greatest generation did for us

if anyone cares Mike The Tigers new home cost 3 million
i wonder if he could rent me a room.
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DaddyBigBucks;1020893; said:
Apart from the cooking of people I think your traditions sound great.

To whom or what do you feed the people?

Cannibalism is a dark and dirty swamp secret. I've already said too much...

When you find a fun tailgating Krewe (yea, I meant to spell it like that) you'll be offered whatever they are having. Boiled shrimp or Gumbo & Sauce Picante with both probably made with local game or seafood.
Fun Krewe's are easy to spot- they'll be dancing to Zydeco, standing over a large pot of some boiling concoction, and have handles of Bourbon on a table.

Another question I've seen pop up- What are Hand Grenades?
Hand Grenades are a drink found in the Tropical Isle bars on Bourbon Tropical Isle

Based on the name, I'm sure you can figure out that they are an extremely potent drink. I've discovered long ago that my stomach cant take one- maybe I'll take a sip of someone's, but that's about all I can do. Some consider them a "must do" when visiting. The good thing is that you can buy them on the street and walk around with them. The bad thing is that you may not remember where you are/how you got there...

Also, try Abita beer Abita Brewing Company. I hear that it's sold in some places in Ohio, but there is nothing like it on tap.

I'll keep the information coming as I see different questions pop up on the message boards...
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I've Changed my mind

LSUgirlinTx;1021520; said:
Boiled shrimp or Gumbo & Sauce Picante with both probably made with local game or seafood.
dancing to Zydeco, standing over a large pot of some boiling concoction, and handles of Bourbon on a table.



I KNOW I love you. :bow: :beer:

Geaux Tigers!!!
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Best of both worlds.

Born a Buckeye and now live in Mandeville, LA.
Make the trip back to Ohio each year to deer hunt.

Gentleman, keep your pants on, we like only the ladies taking their tops off on Bourbon Street. I had a male customer from CA get arrested for dropping his drawers. Orleans Parish jail is an ugly experience and you don't get out fast.

But do buy some beads, they come in handy. I had one customer barter some beads for two girls to kiss. I thought his head would explode:biggrin:. It was his first time here.

Our LA friends have given you excellent advice. Have a good time but be safe. I would venture to say you probably won't have a bad meal anywhere you go. My secret favorite used to be Palace Cafe on Canal, it was mentioned earlier.

The Abita Brew pub is 10 minutes from my house. A bit of a trip from NOLA. I take several Abita sampler packs back to Ohio when hunting. My ohio friends won't touch it, the fools, but their college age kids love it.

Tiger stadium is an open air stadium, no dome, but we won't be playig there, too bad. I will have to say LSU tailgating is an experience not to be missed.

As for companionship, start out at Cat's Meow and if the group grope doesn't do it for you then you can go for an escort, just make sure she isn't a he! I have never had a hard time 'meeting" someone at the quarter.
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Damn, I need to get back to NOLA soon. Been there twice, but last time was in undergrad. Great town!

A couple of my coworkers were down there recently. They only went to the riverboat casino. Idiots!!!
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