"Since you have been such an outstanding athlete, we are going to send you to compete against the best. There will be athletes from around the world and if you win, you will be remembered forever. It will be watched by television audiences everywhere. You could earn lucrative endorsements. Even if you don't do well, we don't mind if you just live it up for the next couple weeks. You'll be living in close quarters with some of some of the fittest, sexiest men and women in the world. How does anonymous sex with alcohol and adrenaline-fueled athletes from exotic countries suit you? Great. All of this is our gift to you. We just ask one thing: There's this internationally televised costume party that we want you to go to. More people will watch it than will actually watch you compete. Oh, and we want you to wear THIS."
On the one hand, it's odd that they have the costume party in the first place. On the other hand, I'd gladly wear that stupid getup for a night if it meant I got to party like an Olympian for two weeks.