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The last six page load times:

Page generated in 61.20923 seconds with 17 queries
Page generated in 60.31512 seconds with 12 queries
Page generated in 60.32029 seconds with 13 queries
Page generated in 61.21192 seconds with 17 queries
Page generated in 60.62548 seconds with 19 queries
Page generated in 60.37316 seconds with 17 queries

Zero change from a couple hours ago...
Upvote 0
Big Papa;929285; said:
Maybe not duplicating your posts could help? :biggrin:

There, fixed it.

(sheesh, a guy can't sneak an extra post in here and there to pad the 'ol stats :tongue2:)

I'll have you know it took me about a half hour to get to the page & delete it too.

I'll send you some rep for the "heads up", but at this rate you prolly won't get it 'till next Wednesday. :biggrin:
Upvote 0
Deety;929277; said:
Yep, every page is taking just barely over 60 seconds. I wonder if something is trying to load and timing out?

Is anyone NOT experiencing a 60-second delay? That could be useful information.

I don't know where you see the delay time. But I'm watching my watch (yes, I know how to tell time!) and it's well over 60 seconds between the time that I click something and the time that it displays it.
Upvote 0
No problems here in Buckyland. Running fast as lightning.

Okay, not really. I'm justng trying to make the problem-solving process a little more difficult. I am intentionally wasting everybody's time.

That's just how I roll.
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