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Moral of the story? I hate spammers almost as much as I hate computers. I can't live without the latter, but I can without the former -- so I propose that we legalize human hunting (only of approved targets of course), and we try to replace pit bulls with spammers and related vermin in the dog fighting culture. Dog fighting makes me sick -- but give a couple spammers shivs and a garbage can lid shield, and I'm all about watching that action.

Just tell us what to do and we will obey :wink:

Seriously, if I can do anything to help let me know. Thanks again for all of your had work.
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Anything is possible at this point. As things stand, I still haven't figured out why and where the site is being told to hit hostgo.com, or whatever that was.

Now, BP and RP are hosted on the same machine, are both the same versions of vBulletin, and run many (but not all) of the same mods. RP has run BP's ads for a while. So whether it's a mod that's been exploited, or an ad that went bad -- it does seem odd that all these problems have been on BP, and not RP.

Which makes me wonder if repairing the database tables might make a difference. Probably not.

Color me perplexed. I just hope the mods aren't offline long, as basically every incoming link to BP is now broken.

Did you check the linkbacks? Someone could have put a tone of linkbacks on hostgo and it's trying to retrieve them? That's about all I could think of.
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Great thought. I did, and while there was some housekeeping to do in there, nothing was pointing to that domain or was otherwise much out of line.

So, was the ban from hostgo.com incoming only or outgoing as well? Meaning was it blocked at the firewall from allowing traffic to go out to that site. I notice that hostgo.com is incredibly lagged. I ask because this link to them could have existed for a while and now due to their issues we are seeing the result.
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My understanding is that machine traffic from our box, to theirs, is blocked at the firewall level on their end.

We are making *tons* of connections to the constantinople.hostgo.com domain at port 80. Or at least we are when the plug-in system is turned on. Thing is, I've combed through, and none of our plug-ins are calling that site, by name or by IP. Moreover, when I turn the plug-in system back on, but disable all of them, we still have the problem.
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Sadly my thoughts are this could be one of a few different things.

There could be a DNS forward somewhere that resolved to, reverse dns shows constantinople.hostgo.com but that doesn't mean thats the only record pointing to that IP address. Doing a google search of the IP address lead me to a few leads but nothing really helpful, apparently the site hosts quite a few MySQL tables that people use. I would look through the source for the core plugin system and find any addresses that could be being referenced by it and start pinging away :(
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