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There was a 15-20 minute period this morning (around 6:30 HST, 12:30 pm Ohio time) where the load times were over a few minutes...in fact it looked like the site was completely down until the page loaded after a couple minutes. Looks fine now...
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MililaniBuckeye;894296; said:
There was a 15-20 minute period this morning (around 6:30 HST, 12:30 pm Ohio time) where the load times were over a few minutes...in fact it looked like the site was completely down until the page loaded after a couple minutes. Looks fine now...

Had "cannot find server" errors for about 10 minutes about the same time this morning, and then against around noon HST (6:00 pm EST).
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MililaniBuckeye;926968; said:
Had "cannot find server" errors for about 10 minutes about the same time this morning, and then against around noon HST (6:00 pm EST).
Same thing for me. Site has been down twice and have had troulble loading for several days. once a day about.
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