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LB Larry Grant (Official Thread)

By "playing high" I meant the way he attacks and slips blockers...tackling high is not an issue and many coaches today, John Bunting is one, teaches players to tackle high to emphasize visual contact.
I was trying to clarify my post to address someone who anonymously told me my post would scare a recruit away. It's lame to have someone anonymously jump all over you when you're in actuality paying the recruit a compliment. I'm not trying to butcher a football analysis, even if I may be doing just that.

In any event, the NFL scouts held that Wilhelm's techniques, specifically him tackling high, were his primary weaknesses going into the draft. I'm not trying to be the expert here because I don't know the difference either way--but that was the big knock on him by the pros.
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I was trying to clarify my post to address someone who anonymously told me my post would scare a recruit away. It's lame to have someone anonymously jump all over you when you're in actuality paying the recruit a compliment. I'm not trying to butcher a football analysis, even if I may be doing just that.

In any event, the NFL scouts held that Wilhelm's techniques, specifically him tackling high, were his primary weaknesses going into the draft. I'm not trying to be the expert here because I don't know the difference either way--but that was the big knock on him by the pros.

#1, there is definitely a movement, especially for youth thru HS age groups, to teach a tackling method where you face the ball carrier squarely, hit chest-to-chest (think number to number) with your facemsk to the side of his facemask, wrap the arms under his shoulderpads, roll your hips forward to lift him and drive with the legs. It is a very sure method of tackling, and very safe as well, as long as the defender isn't way smaller than the ball carrier he gets his hips low before impact. For my little guys, though, I still like them keeping their head up but going in very low with a shoulder pad and head in front. the only thing to worry about there is catching a knee in the head.

#2, I'm not at all discounting anything you've said, Catfish, I'm just amused that the NFL would hold tackling technique against anybody in the draft, because by and large the tackling technique in the NFL is horrible. All things being equal, I could see that they would consider it a bonus, but I don't think they look at technique near as much as raw athleticism.
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Nightmare, I think you're dead-on, and that's why I'm glad there are folks like you and Grad on this site to make crystal out of mud for those of us who don't understand the technical aspects of the game. As you can see, I butchered the whole thing up by assuming "playing high" was the same thing as "tackling high". (And Wilhelm's techniques couldn't have been too bad because he got taken in the 3rd round).

As to Grant, I do think it's interesting that he didn't make a committment. The scholarships are becoming few and far between, and obviously not everyone Ohio State has extended an offer to can come aboard, so the recruits may be taking their chances by not committing ASAP. It should be an interesting run into the home stretch.
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With the numbers being what they are, does the staff hold a scholarship until LOI day if they are unsure of what a recruit might do?

I honestly don't know. I think back to Richard Washington, Stanley McClover, Buster Davis.

It's crunch time now. Suppose Gibson, Grant, Small, McArthy, Bowman, Fields all wait until LOI day. What happens if they all want Ohio State? Do they all get their ships?
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With the numbers being what they are, does the staff hold a scholarship until LOI day if they are unsure of what a recruit might do?

I honestly don't know. I think back to Richard Washington, Stanley McClover, Buster Davis.

It's crunch time now. Suppose Gibson, Grant, Small, McArthy, Bowman, Fields all wait until LOI day. What happens if they all want Ohio State? Do they all get their ships?

check the last couple of posts in the Greg Mathews thread...
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I'm not really concerned about Oregon's chances and Belotti. IMO he only goes to Oregon if something happens behind the scenes that would not allow him to get in. Oregon is the West Coast version of NC State and Michigan State when it comes to recruiting.
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