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LB Freddie Lenix (Cincinnati signee; transfer to Notre Dame College)

crazybuckfan40 said:
Yeah HH said that it is not official, but it will be on the 15th. Or something to that affect.

Isn't the army all-star game on the 14th or there abouts. Makes you wonder why he's waiting until the 15th. I wonder if the staff is waiting to see how things unfold at the game with other players......
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jenkinswoody said:
Isn't the army all-star game on the 14th or there abouts. Makes you wonder why he's waiting until the 15th. I wonder if the staff is waiting to see how things unfold at the game with other players......

The Army All-American Game is on January 15th. I wouldn't think Lenix delaying his announcement has anything to do with any other players.
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bucknuts44820 said:
Lennix is listed as visiting OSU on 1/8/05.....recently he said OSU offered by Iowa leads....hmmmmm

From the looks of it, we are his last official visit.

Hey, Chappell...you must've missed Alan's announcement on the front page last night. Lenix will commit...done deal.
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you must've missed Alan's announcement on the front page last night. Lenix will commit...done deal.
Wow... I must have missed it while being gone for Christmas. This is wonderful news. I just couldn't see Freddy at Iowa, especially with all of his boys in Columbus. Nice job Gentleman, thanks.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
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Bnuts premium

He claims he has not committed to tOSU but is giving it some thought. He says there is a strong possibility he would commit this weekend on his official visit.

Staying close to his 1 yr old son is very important to him.

He was very excited about the Alamo Bowl victory and the impact that Teddy Ginn had in the game. Since he has played with Teddy it makes him more confident at what he could achieve in college.

Lenix says his best positions are LB and TB. tOSU and Iowa coaches have spoken to him about those two positions as well as safety.
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