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LB Andrew Sweat (2011-12 B1G Outstanding Sportsmanship Award winner)

IrishCalves;853159; said:
I'll make no bones about it, I am an ND fan. Just don't expect me to be a "mightier than thou" trash talker though. I just happen to love talking recruiting.

I'd say Sweat is a Buckeye a week from now. Every now and then, I hear something that points to ND - like Sweat being turned off at OSU's spring game, and that he's serious about ND's business school, etc. But the majority of indicators point to OSU.

The fact that ND's staff had to pull out all the stops for him on his visit should be indication enough as to who was in the lead going into this last weekend. Crazier things have happened, and its to the point I wouldn't be surprised by a verbal to either school, but I think he's yours.

Both schools will get theirs in the LB recruiting chase though - you guys, I'm guessing Hale and Sweat, ND, my current guess is Filer and/or Sabino.
Actually you're wrong there. He had a great time and enjoyed spending time with Brewster, Adams, and JB. He said that Beal almost committed there at that time, and sounded pretty excited about it.
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The way I've heard it, Sweat went into the spring game wanting to verbal to OSU. Its obvious he didn't commit. The message board chatter I saw painted it that he wasn't unsettled by his fellow recruits, so much as it was the actual Buckeye players, that they were too arrogant for his liking. I took the liberty of piecing two and two together. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was fabricated, or started by guys "reading in between the lines". ND fans thought our latest commit, Brandon Newman, was turned off at his spring game visit, and he just pledged his verbal on Saturday.

And all in all, I don't think I'd chalk up any of these rumors to any "Weis arrogance" angle. It's not just one school's fanbase that spread biased rumors. A poster mentioned Brandon Beal nearly verballing to OSU. Latest report is his leaders are UF and USC. Its not just us.

Its mostly the nature of the beast. Recruiting rumors are about 75% crap stir - I've heard just about everything, about everyone, from dozens of guys who "work with a guy who's brother is a friend of ____" . For example, I heard Stoneburner was ND's to lose, and that Kyle Rudolph was a Buckeye - and the complete opposite happened. To think its all ND rumors is folly. Everyone contributes to half baked rumors. Everyone.
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And all in all, I don't think I'd chalk up any of these rumors to any "Weis arrogance" angle. It's not just one school's fanbase that spread biased rumors.
I'm not sure what you mean by that. Grad was making that very point by referencing a role reversal, our fanbase & their sources discussing how OSU recruits were supposedly turned off by Weis (arrogance) on ND visit.
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Sweat's baseball team makes the playoffs

"From Day 1, even when we were practicing and training in the summer, that's been our goal," said Andrew Sweat, who was one of several Hillers to put up impressive numbers at the plate. "Coach Levi said, from the beginning, that anything less than a state championship wasn't good enough."

Sweat's performance alone almost was good enough to earn Trinity (13-7) the win.

The junior hit a two-run homer on the fourth pitch of the game, had an RBI-single and scored in the second inning, and had a run-scoring triple in the fifth. He also walked and scored that inning, when Trinity sent 15 batters to the plate.

"When we played West Allegheny, we came in there nervous and we did not play our best ball," Sweat said. "We realized what we had to do and what mistakes we made, so we came out here with an aggressive attitude. I don't think we've ever scored that much."

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