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LB Andrew Sweat (2011-12 B1G Outstanding Sportsmanship Award winner)

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He was interviewed last night on a local sports show, along with his partner at linebacker who is being recruited by PITT.

I wish I had a clip - When asked about his 35 offers already and how he was down to OSU and ND - he looked absolutely ecstatic to be talking about OSU - talked about how they were in the nat'l champ game twice in the past few years - great coaches, tressel etc - then talked about ND and how they have great academics and also weis and his staff.

If you compared the two - he was smiling from ear to eat when talking about OSU -- seemed to be like that was his choice - obviously you never know -- but if you were an outside observer just looking at those two clips - you would think OSU in a landslide....
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I'll make no bones about it, I am an ND fan. Just don't expect me to be a "mightier than thou" trash talker though. I just happen to love talking recruiting.

I'd say Sweat is a Buckeye a week from now. Every now and then, I hear something that points to ND - like Sweat being turned off at OSU's spring game, and that he's serious about ND's business school, etc. But the majority of indicators point to OSU.

The fact that ND's staff had to pull out all the stops for him on his visit should be indication enough as to who was in the lead going into this last weekend. Crazier things have happened, and its to the point I wouldn't be surprised by a verbal to either school, but I think he's yours.

Both schools will get theirs in the LB recruiting chase though - you guys, I'm guessing Hale and Sweat, ND, my current guess is Filer and/or Sabino.
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Hubbard;853174; said:
Didn't hear anything about this?

Powair7s;853175; said:
How was Sweat "turned off" at the spring game? I had not heard this.

Probably the same type of rumor that buzzes around when recruits are supposedly turned off by CW's arrogancewhile visiting ND...it likely doesn't happen but makes for great forum fodder. Its more about what fans want to believe as opposed to actual truth.

Welcome aboard IrishCalves.
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