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Latest Celebrity 'Obit' posts

Anton Yelchin, Star Trek actor, dies at 27

Anton Yelchin died Sunday morning in “fatal traffic collision,” his representative confirmed to EW. The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s Office told PEOPLE that his body “was found pinned between a car and a gate at a home in Studio City, California” and that an exact cause of death will not be announced until the autopsy is complete. He was 27.

Yelchin begin his acting career appearing in shows like ER, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Law & Order: Criminal Intent. In 2006, he received critical acclaim for his performance in crime drama Alpha Dog and starred as the title character in the next year’s Charlie Bartlett.

The actor made his Star Trek debut in the franchise’s 2009 film, where he played Pavel Chekhov. He reprised that role in 2013’s Star Trek Into Darkness and again in the upcoming Star Trek Beyond, which is set to arrive in theaters July 22.
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Garry Marshall, creator of 'Happy Days' and director of 'Pretty Woman,' dies at 81


Writer-director Garry Marshall, whose deft touch with comedy and romance led to a string of TV hits that included "Happy Days" and "Laverne & Shirley" and the box-office successes "Pretty Woman" and "Runaway Bride," has died. He was 81.

Marshall died Tuesday in at a hospital in Burbank, California of complications from pneumonia after having a stroke, his publicist Michelle Bega said in a statement.

Entire article: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainmen...ays-and-director-pretty-woman-dies-at-81.html
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If you aren't a weather geek, you may not recognize this name. But, for anyone who has watched the Weather Channel for the last couple decades, you will know Dave Schwartz. He would often address the viewing audience during his forecast by saying "my friend." He had survived a bout with pancreatic cancer ten years ago. Our friend Dave died Saturday.

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