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Latest Celebrity 'Obit' posts

celebrities passing usually don't get much of a reaction out of me. they are either just really old or do it to themselves with drugs and booze. Bowie's passing from cancer sucked...But Prince, man, this one sucks. lots of good memories from his music from being in 4th grade to dating my wife. I was fortunate to see him in concert in 2004 and I am grateful for that chance. The man was an artist and the current generation is just so fucking clueless.

i've also read in recent years that Prince had thousands of hours of recorded music stored at Paisley Park..enough to release an album a year for 100 years if he had wanted to to. So down the road I hope to hear the man's artistry some more.
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Sad thing is that he never got credit for being a great guitarist, let alone multi-instrumentalist. Dude could absolutely shred in his prime.

I'd read recently he had a new guitar made and showed it to some people, though refused to play it because he claimed he couldn't. I was not aware whether he had nerve damage or something (similar to Dave Mustaines injury several years ago) or maybe even another ailment? Parkinson's? I guess his most recent shows had been solo with him playing only a piano.
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i've also read in recent years that Prince had thousands of hours of recorded music stored at Paisley Park..enough to release an album a year for 100 years if he had wanted to to. So down the road I hope to hear the man's artistry some more.

I foresee an ugly battle ahead. He wasn't married & had no heirs. Then there is the issue of Warner Brothers owns half the rights of everything he wrote between 78-96 (remember that's why he changed his name).

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WIL-bur-r-r-r-r Dies


Alan Young, star of 1960s sitcom 'Mr. Ed,' dies at 96

Actor-comedian Alan Young, who played the amiable straight man to a talking horse in the 1960s sitcom "Mister Ed," has died, a spokeswoman for the Motion Picture and Television Home said Friday. He was 96.

Entire article: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/05/20/alan-young-star-1960s-sitcom-mr-ed-dies-at-96.html
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Fucking piece of [Mark May] with a scorching hot take...

Whoa. Hold your fucking roll. Motherfuckers got sent to Vietnam or faced prison. Not just Cassius Clay, he was a rich, famous motherfucker. You hate them, right? Respect him for standing up for what he believed and doing his time, but the poor bastards that couldn't afford that had no choice and went to the meat grinder. There's going to be a lot of justified resentment. Hamburger Hill was tougher than anything Muhammad Ali faced. This Rep may be full of shit or not, but refusing to go to Vietnam will create serious and justified resentment. Period. Using a 2016 focal point means shit. Ali spoke for many, but refused service when everyone else was getting drafted. Take it for what its worth, wrong or right, someone else took his place and lived or died in Vietnam. That's fucking fact.

Muhammad Ali was the greatest of all time, but he didn't face the NVA or Viet Cong. Don't fucking mix up importance and danger of duty...Not even fucking close. No protestor or objector faced what a drafted private faced. Fuck that.

A whole generation of men who couldn't avoid service in Vietnam. Ali spoke his mind, and that's great, but he didn't face the real fire.
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Facing consequences for refusing to fight for a country that treated black people as second class citizens sure as shit is real life. I had four uncles who served in Vietnam. I understand the sacrifices they made. It was a shitty war fought by teenagers who didn't have a choice. They didn't have a choice. We have elected plenty of draft dodgers and others who were rich enough to avoid fighting AND going to prison. Maybe if Ali had been white his money would have saved him from both as well, but it didn't.

You can respect soldiers who went to war while also respecting someone who stood up for their beliefs and did the time to protest a shitty war.

Also, his name is Muhammad Ali. The man changed his own name. He should be called Ali.

This piece of shit calls Ali out the day he died. He supports Trump. Remind me which branch Trump served in again
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