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Latest Celebrity 'Obit' posts

Facing consequences for refusing to fight for a country that treated black people as second class citizens sure as [Mark May] is real life. I had four uncles who served in Vietnam. I understand the sacrifices they made. It was a [Mark May]ty war fought by teenagers who didn't have a choice. They didn't have a choice. We have elected plenty of draft dodgers and others who were rich enough to avoid fighting AND going to prison. Maybe if Ali had been white his money would have saved him from both as well, but it didn't.

You can respect soldiers who went to war while also respecting someone who stood up for their beliefs and did the time to protest a [Mark May]ty war.

Also, his name is Muhammad Ali. The man changed his own name. He should be called Ali.

This piece of [Mark May] calls Ali out the day he died. He supports Trump. Remind me which branch Trump served in again

Sorry for coming off sounding so angry @BUCKYLE. The whole Vietnam War era disgusts me and always touches a nerve. So much damage done to this country. And I always knee-jerk react in favor of the vets.

Of course, you are right. Really no need for this discussion to take place right after the man's death. He was the greatest in the ring, and he was a great man outside the ring as well.
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Kimbo Slice reportedly just passed tonight. Only 45.

Guy was a tank and an early star in the MMA field. His YouTube videos were wild.

I have nothing against the guy and I found him to be entertaining but he was never a star in MMA. By the time he started doing MMA professionally he was a broken down man with no endurance and bad knees. Bare knuckle street fighting was his shtick and it was mostly against large men with little to no athletic ability. His last fight was hands down the worst fight in the history of MMA.
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'ALF' actor Michu Meszaros dies at 76


Michu Meszaros, a former circus performer who played "ALF" in the popular NBC sitcom, has died, according to his manager, Dennis Varga.

Meszaros, who died Sunday, had been rushed to a Los Angeles hospital several days ago after he was found unresponsive in his home, and had been in a coma since. He was 76.

Born in Budapest, Hungary, he stood less than 3 feet tall and since his teens had performed in numerous circuses, including the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus.

Entire article: http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2016/06/14/new-york-alf-actor-michu-meszaros-dies-at-76.html
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