In the most recent episode of "scarletmike Catches up with the Movies" I ran through Capt. America, Thor, and the Avengers. Captain America was enjoyable, but nothing too special. Thor was...interesting but felt rather short and abrupt, like one comic book out of an entire line. I'm assuming Dark World picks up where Thor left off with that, and it seems the most promising character movie for lots more sequels. The Avengers was just a flat out enjoyable movie. While a lot of people seem to rip on movies like it where there's tons of wanton destruction and little else, I thoroughly enjoy them (Transformers movies are another example). I have no affinity for the Marvel characters, because I've never really picked up a comic book in my life, so the movies and their stories have to kind of stand on their own for me, and Avengers pulled it off. I can't wait for the 2nd one.