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Lane Kiffin (HC Ole/Young Miss & Twitter Troll King)

What Street Name Will Knoxville Give in Honor of Lane Kiffin's Hiring?

  • Lane Kiffin Lane

    Votes: 17 20.0%
  • Lane Kiffin Street

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lane Kiffin Boulevard

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Lane Kiffin Circle

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Lane Kiffin Avenue

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Kiffin Lane

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • I don't know, but I'd shag his wife

    Votes: 33 38.8%

  • Total voters
daddyphatsacs;1400816; said:
I get the feeling that Kiffin is trying to rekindle a rivalry with this kind of stuff

No need to rekindle whats already "white hot"
The game is one of a series that decides the SEC east - it's a pit fight no matter who says what before the season starts.
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Personally, I like what Kiffin did. First thing, this was not a public press conference....it was a "recruting celebration" with alumni...still he knew this would go public and I don't think he really cared. Secondly, living down here in Knoxville, UT and their fans, for as long as I've been here have always seemed to be intimidated by UF (well maybe not during the Zook era :biggrin: ). I think this was a message to the players, the fans, and the rest of the SEC that those days are over. I think he's trying to bring some confidence and swagger (hate that term) back to UT. I know I'm going to get blasted for this and honestly I'm too young to have know what it was like but reminds me of something Woody might have done with tsun......except for the apology after. But someone posted earlier and they are right....UT fans will still cheer for UF and cry SEC at the end of the year if UF is going for a NC....even after they are rolled up by 30+ by UF. Just my take.
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BigWoof31;1400978; said:
Perhaps, but to those of us on the inside, it seems like these opinions (and often times unfair accusations) come when the league is just kickin' butt and takin' names.
Well this clearly explains why nobody has a bead on NoD's recruiting violations ...
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Perhaps, but to those of us on the inside, it seems like these opinions (and often times unfair accusations) come when the league is just kickin' butt and takin' names. As Gator mentioned - they often times aren't backed with any facts (yours is the clear and admirable exception) so we chalk them up as petty and jealous.
look back, you'll see the exact same opinion back in 05/06 before the SEC became exactly what they hated and complained about so much (at least florida fans).
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Nutriaitch;1400788; said:
I don't.
These kids either signed to play for Phat Phuck Phil, or the biggest douche in the SEC coaching ranks.

You get what you pay for.

I hope they enjoy the primal ape fuckings they're going to receive this year.
Boilers Fan;1400904; said:
Kiffin's wife is hot
This cannot be stated enough.

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SI's take on the Kiffin dustup. I don't think Kiffin was serious when he was talking about the supposed violation. After admitting that he deliberately tried to mislead Florida into thinking Richardson wasn't at Tennessee, how can you claim another coach is committing a violation by calling him that weekend - even if you really did believe it was against the rules for another coach to do so?

It seems to me that he's trying to play the old Steve Spurrier role in spicing things up with quotes that will get both sides fired up. But from the opposite side from where the "You can't spell Citrus without U-T" came from.


Kiffin's comments on recruiting fuel war with Florida, SEC


So not only did Kiffin anger a coach at a high school that produces prospects every year, he gave every college coach in America ammunition to use against him. Not only does he not know the NCAA manual, he bragged publicly about encouraging a recruit to lie to those around him.

"We had a great plan on how to steer Florida away from [Richardson] so they thought we weren't getting him," Kiffin said at the rally. "He came out in the paper that Friday and said he wasn't even coming to visit us, so that what would happen was the people down there, the pressure would stay off of him and they wouldn't go try to get him. They'd think they still had him."

Even though dozens of coaches use this tactic, they don't crow about it with a TV camera running. If I'm Meyer, Richt, Steve Spurrier or Nick Saban, my first question to a recruit's mother would be, "Would you want your son to play for a man who encouraged him to lie?"

Meyer isn't exactly viewed as Mother Teresa in the recruiting world. Notre Dame fans hate him for swiping committed players Justin Trattou and Omar Hunter in consecutive years. Kiffin, in the absence of evidence of wrongdoing, probably could have found a way to cast his rival in a poor light. But if you're going to publicly accuse someone of breaking a rule, you'd better have him dead to rights, and you'd better make sure you're accusing him of something that's actually illegal.

If Kiffin wants to talk like this, he'd better win, and he'd better win quickly. He and his staff also will have to run the cleanest recruiting operation in football, because they've ticked off practically every coach in the league. One assistant, David Reaves, left South Carolina and immediately began recruiting South Carolina commitments. So Spurrier would love to turn in Tennessee. Kiffin swiped assistant Lance Thompson from Alabama's staff. So Saban would love to turn in Tennessee.

Thursday, five-star Lake Charles, La., recruit Janzen Jackson -- previously an LSU commitment -- signed with Tennessee. So Les Miles would love to turn in Tennessee.

And after Kiffin swiped Richardson and defensive back Marsalis Teague from Florida's recruiting class, Meyer would love to turn in Tennessee. Of course, he'd probably settle for a 50-point beating when the Gators and Vols meet in The Swamp in September.
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I'm just curious as to how many Big 10 teams are one (1) major infraction away from the Death Penalty?

Also, the questionable oversigning of recruits on NLOID when it apparently states in your "Code of Ethics" that this is not to be done is a headscratcher.

But it does get great athletes/so-so students in the program so you can change "SEC" at the end of the year.
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jwinslow;1401003; said:
look back, you'll see the exact same opinion back in 05/06 before the SEC became exactly what they hated and complained about so much (at least florida fans).

Perhaps - but the problem with these opinions is that they aren't subject to change. If university administration makes significant strides to correct past behavior and League administration spends time and money to ensure compliance - they get dick for recognition.

Yeah yeah, boo effin' hoo...I understand. It'll take 15-20 years of peace and quiet down here to curb some of the criticism from the Bear Bryant years and then some of the feelings still won't subside.
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martinss01;1401091; said:
you sure thats a statement to be proud of?

I want my coaches as aggressive on the recruiting trail as they are on the sidelines.

How many times have you heard from a young man - "Hey, Coach X was with me from the start. He's been recruiting me from Day 1 and I respect that. He made me feel wanted"
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How many times have you heard from a young man - "Hey, Coach X was with me from the start. He's been recruiting me from Day 1 and I respect that. He made me feel wanted"
Not as many times as I've heard of recruits having to change phones to handle the onslaught of folks refusing to respect the umpeenth "no, coach"
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BuckeyeNation27;1401102; said:
in the south it is. it's like Eagles fans being proud of being assholes.

Good Lord. Yeah, the Big-10 does not want aggressive recruiting from its coaches...

Do you even get how silly this makes you sound? The Woofman said nothing about dishonesty nor did he imply that we condone impropriety. We do like a coach that get after recruiting and does everything within the rules to get some studs. Without the athletic talent you will not win, despite the best coaching in the world.

The idea that the Big 10 is filled with Coaches of Gandhi like pacificity when it comes to recruiting is laughable. "Please Sir, feel free to take my player, and may he prosper in the laudable academic environment at your fine institution."
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BigWoof31;1400978; said:
People like Saban, Meyer, Fulmer, Miles, and Nutt don't get enough credit for being 100% tenacious on the recruiting trail. They DO NOT QUIT till they get a yes and for alot of kids, its impressive.

martinss01;1401091; said:
you sure thats a statement to be proud of?

BuckeyeNation27;1401102; said:
in the south it is. it's like Eagles fans being proud of being assholes.
They are tenacious but have "southern hospitality". So it's a nice, friendly kind of intrusive tenacity.

Philadelphia fans in general are assholes because they have heart, so they're Hearty assholes.

All forms of douchebaggery are ok, as long as you can explain it away with not entirely accurate regional stereotypes.
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