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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

genron, I think the more questions you ask, the better... you are giving many folk around here reason to reflect, and sometimes we need that.. coming off of losses where some of our fan-base has evidently come to question themselves... it is nice to hear us be able to gloat about JT and his M.O... and nothing that you have read here is a stretch of any imagination.

JT is the honest truth, and we lose recruits because of it. What I mean by that is, Jim Tressel is not going to tell you what you want to hear, and that turns off some kids. The one's that it does not turn off, we will turn up the heat. If LJ is as open as you make him to be, and assuming LJ is paying any attention to what JT is actually up to (as opposed to the 'hearsay'), I feel like OSU and LJ may make a great marriage. One can hope, anyhow.. :)
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Buckeyecty4;1391906; said:
I read on one of the other boards that Genron said Lamarcus is transferring

Ah on second thought, I found the posting, Lamarcus Joyner - Page 3 - Bucknuts Forum

I wonder if he's gonna go down to Southridge. That's in a district where Jaamal Berry's Panthers are playing, and I think one other Southwest player already transferred down there.

If that's the case, he would face some significant more competition in that district.
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DontHateOState;1392087; said:
LJ will probably have more fun in a tougher division.

And I'll get to see more of him, as I often go on Palmetto's off-night to other games in the district, especially if they have playoff implications for Palmetto.

We'll just have to see where he winds up.
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schwab;1391493; said:
JT is the honest truth, and we lose recruits because of it. What I mean by that is, Jim Tressel is not going to tell you what you want to hear, and that turns off some kids.

Man thats what needed. Frank can handle the truth. Tell the truth. Dont be telling every recruit they can come in and compete and play right away. Thats impossible. Thats weak, be honest to the recruit and be honest with your players. Im getting a bad rap with some Fla schools by commenting on here but I dont give a darn..yall can quote that too.. Stop promising the world when you can only give what you got. Anywayz..Its going to be more attention now that he's transferring to a more profile HS team. Just got an UGA and So. fla offer..Up to 19 now. Its going to be extremely tough for him to narrow those great universities down to even a number under 10..let alone 1. But ill make sure he doesnt be one of those commit and decommit and commit and decomit guys
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berryfan;1391917; said:
He hasn't told me anything yet.

My bad berryfan, I meant to send you a personal message about that. Yeah they hired the wrong guy. I said he was staying put unless something crazy happened and it did. And heck no he's not going to southridge. Southridge are you kidin me..Southridge..u kiddin me lol. Naw best believe he's going somewhere to contend but sadly....its not the mighty bulls.
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genron187;1393469; said:
My bad berryfan, I meant to send you a personal message about that. Yeah they hired the wrong guy. I said he was staying put unless something crazy happened and it did. And heck no he's not going to southridge. Southridge are you kidin me..Southridge..u kiddin me lol. Naw best believe he's going somewhere to contend but sadly....its not the mighty bulls. In the process of trying to join Gore and the explorers.

I think the da Ridge is going to be able to contend next year in it's district. (I keep hearing that chant from their games, Ridge get ready to roll). They should have done better last year, but nobody was going to stop Killian in that district. Palmetto needs something on its defensive side though, but they are set on offense with that line.

I hear you on Columbus. Palmetto had a very good RB a few years ago, John Mosure (who is now at Colorado St.), who transferred over there. I was very sad about it, but he wind up quite well there and now with CSU.

That's just a trip up the street, 1.5 miles, from where he is now.

Is Columbus playing NW next year?

Palmetto played them last year and got rocked.
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berryfan;1394815; said:
2nd Team All-State Class 6A for LJ,

High School Sports Blog

That's exceptional for a junior in Florida.

One of the kids from my high school, Palmetto (same as Jaamal Berry) got 3rd team for kicker, Kevin Karpiak.

Yeap thats great and Im pround of him. But realing breaking it down. If you compared stats, performance, and team importance he beat Mcgee and Carter. Always next yr though.
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