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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

DontHateOState;1399301; said:
Well, the depth chart just became a little lighter with Justin Green leaving this class. That should appeal to LJ.

Its early but OSU is looking like a strong candidate. I keep telling people LJ is not a FLa lock by a long shot. He's in the mold of Jamaal Berry and Frankie Telfort. Wanting to be a national product. I feel Fla has enough talent to share. Just look at this yr's signings. I know here in Dade and Broward schools like Mich, W.V., Purdue, etc. really loaded up. And they say 2010 is going to be sick with it.
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genron187;1401513; said:
Its early but OSU is looking like a winner. I keep telling people LJ is not a FLa lock by a long shot. He's in the mold of Jamaal Berry and Frankie Telfort. Wanting to be a national product. I feel Fla has enough talent to share. Just look at this yr's signings. I know here in Dade and Broward schools like Mich, W.V., Purdue, etc. really loaded up. And they say 2010 is going to be sick with it.

Did he watch the Super Bowl?

Florida kids + OSU = big things.
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genron187;1401583; said:
You know it man..that was a big topic

Yeah, FL kids that come to OSU usually end up being pretty special, and in the NFL. And with athletic apparel becoming more advanced by the day pretty soon southern and west coast kids won't have to worry about the cold at all.
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tonystarx;1402182; said:
Yeah, FL kids that come to OSU usually end up being pretty special, and in the NFL. And with athletic apparel becoming more advanced by the day pretty soon southern and west coast kids won't have to worry about the cold at all.

I wouldn't go that far but if LJ is thinking about getting to the league like I'm sure he is, cold weather should be something he gets used to. People act like it's cold up here during football season. I spend half the season sweating bullets!
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southcampus;1402190; said:
I wouldn't go that far but if LJ is thinking about getting to the league like I'm sure he is, cold weather should be something he gets used to. People act like it's cold up here during football season. I spend half the season sweating bullets!

Tresselball could keep OSU fans sweating bullets in the Arctic. :tongue2:
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southcampus;1402190; said:
I wouldn't go that far but if LJ is thinking about getting to the league like I'm sure he is, cold weather should be something he gets used to. People act like it's cold up here during football season. I spend half the season sweating bullets!
Not trying to be sarcastic here, but they have to live in Ohio too, and it gets pretty cold and snowy in the winter to put it mildly.
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When I went to see LJ's team play Jaamal Berry and my Palmetto team late last year, it was humid as can be. We have been getting down into the 40s here and it's in the 60s right now. Having played HS football here, I don't really remember a game that got into the 50s. Miami players tend to handle the cold rather well if they decided to go north, takes some getting used to, but I never heard anyone complain.

I will tell you what starts to get brutal is the summer heat we get down here during pre-season practice in August. In addition, Florida allows Spring football practice in May with a scrimmage or jamboree game at the end of May, and you will sweat like the ocean and get bitten by so many mosquitoes it's not funny.
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berryfan;1402459; said:
When I went to see LJ's team play Jaamal Berry and my Palmetto team late last year, it was humid as can be. We have been getting down into the 40s here and it's in the 60s right now. Having played HS football here, I don't really remember a game that got into the 50s. Miami players tend to handle the cold rather well if they decided to go north, takes some getting used to, but I never heard anyone complain.

I will tell you what starts to get brutal is the summer heat we get down here during pre-season practice in August. In addition, Florida allows Spring football practice in May with a scrimmage or jamboree game at the end of May, and you will sweat like the ocean and get bitten by so many mosquitoes it's not funny.

Berryfan, if you can make it out to flamingo park on Miami Beach on Sunday the 8th at 1pm its going to be secial. We have every top recruit in the class of 2010 and some 2011 guys coming out to try out for our 7 on 7 team respresenting So. fla for a national tournment in Tampa. Its going to be crazy with some much talent on the field. Joyner hopefully will cement his place as one of the top HS players over the past 2 yrs.
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genron187;1402533; said:
Berryfan, if you can make it out to flamingo park on Miami Beach on Sunday the 8th at 1pm its going to be secial. We have every top recruit in the class of 2010 and some 2011 guys coming out to try out for our 7 on 7 team respresenting So. fla for a national tournment in Tampa. Its going to be crazy with some much talent on the field. Joyner hopefully will cement his place as one of the top HS players over the past 2 yrs.

I wish I could have, but woke up late this morning.
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genron187;1402533; said:
Berryfan, if you can make it out to flamingo park on Miami Beach on Sunday the 8th at 1pm its going to be secial. We have every top recruit in the class of 2010 and some 2011 guys coming out to try out for our 7 on 7 team respresenting So. fla for a national tournment in Tampa. Its going to be crazy with some much talent on the field. Joyner hopefully will cement his place as one of the top HS players over the past 2 yrs.

genron, If you could let us know how it went!
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